
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

.Movie Night.

Hey, Hey Book Club Lovers!
This one is for you....or anyone wanting to go see one hell of a good looking new movie:
Water for Elephants
It hits theatres April 22nd, but I'm thinking we should all get our little bums together for a Book Club Date on April 28th (it's a thursday if you were about to ask) at the Scotia Bank theatre (west ed mall).
Whatcha think? Good idea? Ya, I thought so too.
So message me below if you wanna go. Everyone's welcome to join!
K, that's all. 
p.s. I'm So Freaking Excited for this movie. 


  1. The 28th works for me. Can I wear my team Edward tshirt?

  2. Yes, you may. Actually I will be very sad if you don't. Thanks sister.


i think comments are pretty awesome!