
Friday, April 29, 2011

.Royal Wedding.

I have to do it. 
Acknowledge the Royal Wedding, that is.
Wills + Kate tied the knot today.
It happened at 3:00 am this morning for me over on this side of the pond, and although I admit, I was very excited for it, I did not get up and watch it. But I have spent some of the morning checking out the highlights from this momentous day, and have to say, Kate looked Beautiful. Classy, and every bit a Princess. I think I may have a new girl crush.
Now, I know Peter will be cringing as he reads this, because, and I quote, "he doesn't give a flying s*%t about it", but how can you not?
It's a part of history, yes, but I'm more invested in how they are feeling. I mean, I just got married last July, and I certainly remember how I felt before our Big Day. The Excitement, the Happiness, the Nerves, the Hope, the Love. And I only got married in front of 190 people. Not the 2 Billion that is estimated who watched Wills and Kate become a Duke + Duchess.
But, as usual, they were Perfect.
And I am Genuinely Happy for Them.
Cheers, you Two!
p.s. LOVE that little girls face on the bottom left.

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i think comments are pretty awesome!