
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

.Libraries are Hip.

As most of you know, I absolutely love to read.
But, I have a bit of a confession to make. And it embarrasses me a little.
I have not had an active library card for about 5 years. 
Weird, right? There's just something I adore about browsing my local bookstore for hours {ok, not usually hours, but I can definately sink a solid hour into this}. It's like therapy. And you would think this would be cheap therapy, but {and here's the issue}, it's NOT! I end up spending hundreds of buckeroos on books. Every. Time. I. Go. There.
Sometimes this would work out for me because I would read them and fall madly in love. I would place them lovingly on my bookshelf and re-read them at my pleasure. And sometimes it wouldn't go so smoothly. I would read them, hate them and wonder why I just spent $40 bucks on each one.
Then I ventured into this beautiful world called a "Library". 
For $12 a year {oh, you heard right. 12 Bucks!} you can rent books, audio tapes, movies, music and even  electronic versions for my i-pad any time I want!
Crazy Beans! {sorry, that was pretty lame} 
I still got the hour long browse with my beloved books, but this time I only had to spend 12 Bucks {or actually $1 per month if we get technical} to do so. Which means that I am saving about a zillion bucks. Wickedly cool if you ask me.
Oh, and look how hip and cool the Edmonton Public library has become. They let you pick out your very own library card with sayings like the following:
I choose this one. It's hot pink.
"Chick's Dig Big Brains", "This Card Makes you Smart",  "Use at the First Sign of Boredom"
And these are my book selections this time around. Library Haul - Part 1. 
*The Earth Children's Series {By Jean M. Auel}
Book 1: The Clan of the Cave Bear
Book 2: The Valley of the Horses
Book 3: The Mammoth Hunter
Book 4: The Plains of Passage
Book 5: The Shelters of Stone
Book 6: The Land of Painted Caves
*Frontier Magic Series {By Patricia C. Wrede}
Book 1: Thirteenth Child
Book 2: Across the Great Barrier, came out August 1st, 2011)
*Lure, by Deborah Kerbel

*Blood Book Series by Tanya Huff {Didn't mention this in the video, but see below}

Book 1: Blood Price
Book 2: Blood Trail
Book 3: Blood Lines 
Book 4: Blood Pact
Book 5: Blood Debt
Book 6: Blood Bank
*Smoke Book Series, by Tanya Huff {Sorry, this is a sequel after the Blood Book Series.....might want to pick up those first then go for this series!}
Book 1: Smoke and Shadows 
Book 2: Smoke and Mirrors
Book 3: Smoke and Ashes 
*The Witch of Blackbird Pond, by Elizabeth George Speare
So anyways, what this long-winded post was meant to say it simple. 
THE LIBRARY IS SUPER COOL. And reading is super cool. Support your Local Library.

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i think comments are pretty awesome!