
Friday, September 2, 2011

.Happy Fall.

It's SEPTEMBER 2nd People!!
Holy Smokes!
I, for one, am entirely ready for fall to spring upon us {please hurry up Fall, don't you hear me?!}. It's my absolute favorite season of the year! The clothes, the brisk air, the scarves, the colors, the warm blankets, and the pumpkin spiced lattes. It's really all sort of magical to me.
My mother will kill me for saying this {she loves the hot hot hot heat}, but bring on the colder weather {minus the snow...that's only for Christmas}. I am ready. 
And do you not notice every one's changing moods lately? It's like the crappiest-summer-we've-had-in-decades big 'bubble' has popped! Everyone is in prep-mode. Including me.
Organization is all I've been dreaming about lately {well that and jewellery}.
The Nightmare. Stay tuned for "after" pictures from this weekend......
I have already begun pulling out my 'cold weather' clothing, and after this weekend, my closet will yet again begin a transformation {I do this every fall/spring season to satisfy my excitement of change}.
I just feel so motivated.
I want to organize, plan, and actually DO.
My pretty make-up table. Ready to be cleaned and finally organization.
My new Jewellery + Make-up stand! Cannot wait to get this baby set up and organized!
So that's what this lovely long weekend will be all about. Prepping for what's coming up. 
Organizing my closet. Cleaning the garage. Tidying up the yard. Setting up my Make-up/Jewellery stand. Making some comfort foods.
Shopping for fall clothes. Oh yeah!
You really don't understand how happy this makes me. To-Do Lists, Organization, Cleaning. 
Hope you have a very lovely long weekend.

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i think comments are pretty awesome!