
Friday, October 28, 2011

.Happy Six.

{five} Happy things on my mind this week:
Excited for Our new Paint and Wallpaper {for our bedroom}
Old, Classic movies for a quiet evening in {yes, husband will be watching at least one of these!}
Completing my office's photo-wall
{almost there....just need to add some pictures of people I actually know!! haha}
Carving and decorating some pumpkins for Halloween night {leaning towards these bad boys}
{idea found here.}
New string patio lights!
{I bought them from Pottery Barn}
Husband and I don't have a ton of plans this weekend. We're hoping to complete a couple things around the house, like painting and wallpapering our bedroom {then the reveal very soon!}, stringing our patio lights over the hot tub {bought these beauties awhile ago and they finally arrived!}, and organizing my make-up drawer {photos are coming next week!}.
I also plan on baking some scary treats for friends and family for fun! And carving the crap outta some pumpkins!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend filled with happiness, a lot of candy, and a little spookiness.


  1. ohh can't wait to see the big bedroom reveal! I love decorating :)


  2. Almost finished {urgh, I am so not a patient painter!)....but stay tuned, Joanne :) I hope you like it!

    It's a dramatic, but calming "grown-up" room!


i think comments are pretty awesome!