
Wednesday, January 4, 2012


So here's the thing about bloggers; I find that most are people who like to have a little say in the world and aren't embarrassed to put their opinions out there. Sometimes we want to share a creative thought, action, or style. Sometimes, we just want to make new friends. Sometimes, we use it as a diary of sorts.
Our blog allows us to have a creative outlet that we don't get in our everyday "real" life. 
At least that's why I started blogging.
I wanted NEEDED a creative outlet to channel all these thoughts swimming around in my head. A way for me to share what's going on in there. Sometimes it's a great recipe I tried. Sometimes I feel great in an outfit. Sometimes I found something sweet on sale. Sometimes I feel crafty. Sometimes I feel like I could use a friendly shoulder that listens {thats all you readers out there}. Sometimes I just want to vent. And Sometimes I just want to share a laugh.
And that's exactly what I want my blog to be about.
Sharing things that I love. Things that make me happy. And giving a piece of my creative side to you.
 I mean, all I want for this post is to remind myself of WHY I really started blogging. It wasn't to have the most followers, or get the free swag {I mean, it would be great, but it's not why I started blogging}. It wasn't about competing with others, or feeling bad because another blog has more "followers" than I was about sharing me. Simple as that. And that's the only thing I want to do on this here little blog of mine.

So thank you "followers" for letting me be me. And for making that decision feel so very supported.


  1. Amen! And I think an important thing to realize, at least for me, is that some bloggers work as freelancers and don't necessarily have to go into an office or whatever that day. And I think it just takes time. If you put yourself into it and are happy with what you've got then it's successful.

  2. I love reading your 'happiness' every day!

  3. @Christine: Yep. Totally agree with you there. I work a full time job and don't always have the ability to scour the internet non-stop. There's somtimes just not enough time in the day.....damn lucky freelance bloggers ;)
    Also, I believe that if you love what you write, and like you said, are happy with what you've got, then it's a hit.
    xo E

    @Tanya Frost: You my dear are very, very sweet. I am super happy to have you here and I so appreciate all the comments and feedback you've left me. Thanks for reading :)
    xo E

  4. That's a great reason to have a blog and the reason that I do it!! Thank you so much for the nail polish, it was fun to get it in the mail!! :) I posted about it on my blog today!

  5. @Mandy.....I am soo happy that your received them and like them :) It was fun to send them to you!
    And thanks for the love on your blog today :)


i think comments are pretty awesome!