
Thursday, February 2, 2012

.1 Year = Fancy Napkin's Birthday.

Well, my dear friends. Today is a biggie.
It's my little blog here's birthday!
She's 1 year old today, and I feel like a parent watching their little baby grow into something beautiful.
Happy {first} Birthday Fancy Napkin!
If someone asked me what this little blog of mine means to me, I don't think I could put it into words. Sounds silly, right. A blog?
But the truth is {without exaggerating} that blogging has completely changed my life. Not in momentous ways, but in the ways that I feel about myself. And how I live my life. I am incredibly thankful to have found such an amazing way to express and challenge myself, both creatively and mentally.
In some way, this blog has given me a piece of happiness that I didn't even know I was missing.
After I got married to my adorable man, I just found myself waiting for the next big thing. I wasn't ready for children, I was in a job that I didn't enjoy, and I was just feeling bored.
Then after reading my many daily blogs, a random thought popped in my head.
'Why not start your own?'
So I did, and Fancy Napkin was born. 
{you can check out my first welcome post here}
I didn't know what I was going to write about. I didn't really have any game plan. I just knew that there was this creative energy bursting in me which I needed to find a way to express.
I wanted this universe that was completely my own. A place where I could share a thought, a craft, an outfit, a recipe, or even just a happy event. A diary of sorts. And Fancy Napkin did just that.

It's truly my little piece of happiness each day. I look forward to sharing posts with you, and yes, some days the inspiration just isn't there, and it's those days that I just won't write. But for the most part, I am bursting with different ideas that I can't wait to get out there.
Blogging is always on my mind. From learning to take better pictures, to trying out different things which I wouldn't normally do. All because I really just want to share my experience with you.
It has helped me grow to be the person I am today.
It's opened up doors that I never thought possible, with some very exciting projects in the works, and that's just the beginning. I feel just so darn lucky sometimes and I can attribute that all to this blog.
I also feel like the last few months have just really begun to kick into high gear. I'm making new friends from all over the world, and can't wait to the day when I actually get to meet some of you. It might sound funny, but I look forward to hearing from a certain few each week and it's relationships like that, that I wouldn't have without Fancy Napkin.
 I am just a small little piece in the blogging world and even a year ago today never thought I'd even reach 200 followers, but know that this experience has changed me for the better. I am happier and more content them I have ever been, and some days I think that I may have found my little creative place in the World.
So THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for reading, listening, and sharing in my world. With comments of encouragement, love and just being present, I so appreciate it.
You have brought me joy beyond words.


  1. Your post was so honest and so cute. You should be so proud at what you have and ARE creating. I still remember that message you sent me last year saying, "I think I'm gonna do it!" Happy Birthday Fancy Napkin!


    1. I so remember that too, Like it was yesterday...... Thanks for encouraging me to do it miss. You've been very supportive :)

  2. Happy Birthday! And cheers to new blog friends! Yippee! I just hit 100 followers this week and wanted to do a cartwheel! Keep up the fab work! Who knows, maybe our paths will cross one day! Looking forward to future posts! Cheers!


  3. you're just so dang likeable! In all honestly, fancy napkin has become my first go to blog everyday to check!

    1. Joanne - I LOVE this. Thanks for being "one of people who I look forward to hearing from each week".

  4. Yay! Here's to many more years.

  5. That's so great! I am so happy to have found your blog!
    I have considered many times over the last few years to start doing one, but have never had the courage to do so.
    (That and I don't think I'm technically skilled enough on computers)
    I enjoy reading your posts.

    1. I totally encourage you to do it!!! Let me know the link and I'll be your newest follower :)


  6. Congratulations! Here's to many more!

  7. Congrats Erin on all the success you've achieved in the first year. Looking forward to what is to come!


  8. Congrats Erin! I found this blog a few months back and I have to admit I check it daily for all of your amazing tips/reviews. You have the most amazing taste!!! And please please tell me how you style your hair, i want it!! : )

    1. Oh Laurie! Thanks so much, you put a smile on my face :)

      I'll post a hair tutorial soon, it's so simple I'm a little embarrassed to even show you, but stay tuned......


  9. yay! that cupcake looks delicious and you look adorable!

    1. Can't take credit for the cupcake, it's totally bought from a local shop here called Fuss Cupcakes, but it sure was delicious!


  10. wishing fancy napkin a very very happy 1st birthday!!!!! to the next year...


  11. Congratulations!!!!!!! Happy first birthday!!!! :)



  12. Wow congratulations!!!
    Thank you for your visit!!! I like your blog!!!
    Maybe we can follow each other? What do you think?

    Besos, desde EspaƱa, Marcela♥

    1. Oh absolutely!! I just checked out your sweet little blog as well, and consider me your newest follower!

  13. Congrats on One Year!!! I really enjoy reading... and that cupcake looks delicious :) Keep up the great blogging.

  14. what a sweet post! and so true! happy birthday to your wonderful blog!!


i think comments are pretty awesome!