
Monday, March 19, 2012

.Baby, Baby, Baby.

Well, you all rock big time!
Seriously! Between here and facebook, Thanks {about a million x} for all your sweet and sincere words of congratulations to me and pete. And our wee baby t.

I hope you all know just how much it really means to us. This new phase in our lives is pretty crazy and wild and exciting and topsy-turvy and, all just made it that much better!
Gosh. We are so feeling the love!
Now to get to the juicy details......
 First of all, I was just bursting to share our amazing news and I almost announced it about 20 times already, but I managed to keep it {sort of} quiet. And to be honest, it was probably for the best as I'm still processing all these changes even as I write this post! Now, if only I could say the same about a certain mother {soon-to-be-grandmother!} of mine about keeping things hush-hush, we might have made it past the first trimester before making our big announcement.....but I guess this news is just too darn exciting to keep to ourselves!
And I'm sure some of you may have guessed already. Especially with my brain only on baby things lately.....remember this post last week. And then this one? And not to mention my pinterest account.
So, I'm 11 weeks along and feeling great! Baby is the size of a lime according to the Bump, hence the limes images {in case you where wondering why on earth I was posing with a lime} and has indeed lost it's tail. Way to go Baby T! And apparently it's also swallowing and kicking in there!
We're due around thanksgiving {and that's canadian thanksgiving in october!} and I'm already excited about having a baby around for christmas this year {I'm weird and think about things like that}. I haven't had any nausea {please don't hate me!}, just an extremely bloated belly. Oh, and a bit of dizziness. I'm also exhausted! Making a baby is pretty hard work. I've seriously never been so tired in my entire life, and I just can't seem to get a solid sleep. Like Ever. Sleep is just not happening.
I swear it's an evil how I should be sleeping while I still can, and well, I simply can't. Pure evil.
Oh well, I won't complain. No 'morning' sickness is a very very good thing, so I don't want to jinx it.
On another note, we get to hear our baby's heart beat this week for the first time. How cool is that?!?! We are just dying over here waiting for that appointment! I think that will really make this seem 'real'. Right now, other than missing my friend flo {not to be confused with my actual friend, fiona}, the bloat and lack of sleep, I simply can't believe that I have a little baby in me! And a baby that is already the size of a lime! Holy smokes!
Another hard to believe thing, is the changes that are happening to my body. Clearly I am clueless because I was convinced that I wouldn't need to shop in the maternity department till like month 6. Well, I was very {very} wrong. This bloated belly has made all my pants uncomfortable and I am seriously contemplating trying out some maternity jeans. ALREADY! Gosh, that sucks. Also my ta-ta's are sure looking prime these days {aka. HUGE!}, which leaves husband with a devilish smile on his face. And me with some tender-twins and out shopping for a new bra.
So as you can see, things around these parts have really been all baby, baby, baby. I will try my darndest not to make this blog 100% baby, but then again, this blog is about my life, so maybe a little bebe talk will sneak in every now and again. Hope that's okay. xo.


  1. My must-have bra recommendations are anything by Bravado and the Seamfree padded High Tech maternity bra (Thyme)! Most comfy for those "tender ta-tas"

    1. Oh Geez THANK YOU!! I tell ya, I don't know how these things are still going to get bigger! Wowzers!

  2. Completely agree with Maegen - the Thyme maternity bras are super comfortable! I was in maternity jeans before my second trimester with my first baby, though I wish I could have made it longer because by the time baby is due you really really really miss your 'normal' clothes :) Hope you can get some sleep soon!

    1. Thanks Brandi....The lack of sleep is killing me and that's coming from a girl that used to sleep standing up in the middle of the day, so it's been "Fun". Also, I am trying to hold out for maternity stuff, but this belly of mine is making things very difficult. And the worse part is I have only gained 1 pound, so it's all bloat. And it's been "fun" as well. But then again, I haven't been sick, so things could be soooo much worse :)

  3. This is such an exciting time for you! I sincerely hope you get some sleep soon! I had terrible insomnia with both of my pregnancies.. Which is the cruelest joke in the world. (especially when you have a 2year old to wake up with in the morning). Rest. Rest. Rest as much as possible! I sure had a feeling you were pregnant- I don't even know you and I am SO thrilled for you! Enjoy growing your baby.. It's a pretty lovely time, regardless of the awkward bloat stage :)

    1. Oh Chelsea, your message made me so happy. And thank you so much new friend. I am just so darn excited about this little bump and can't wait to meet the tiny human inside me :)
      As for your advice, I am sooooo taking it. I am going to listen to my body and rest. I usually feel so guilty sitting around, but these days I just have too! Me and Baby T are going to become expert loungers, mark my words!
      And yes, this baby growing is pretty wonderful, xoxo
      ps. You should be resting also new momma! Only days old! Hope you're doing well.xo

    2. Believe me when I say rest. UGH. Take it to heart! Ha ha ha, so happy for you and as soon as I have some spare moments I'm dying to comment on the baby essentials post!

  4. Can't wait for more baby posts!
    Congrats you are stunning

  5. Hi Erinn, I've been following your blog for about 6 months now and it is awesome! Just wanted to congratulate you and your husband on this wonderful journey! Being pregnant is truly the greatest thing ever!!! I have 2 little girls under 3 and don't worry about the maternity pants, I had to start wearing them at 10 weeks because I was so bloated! The styles at thyme maternity are so cute, and the pants are so comfortable, I kept wearing them long after my babies were born, haha. Congrats again and looking forward to more baby posts :)

    1. Aww, Thank you so much Alessia! That is so sweet and saying this to a hormonal pregnant woman will make me tear up and get all mushy on you ;)
      And you are so right about this crazy wonderful journey called pregnancy! It really is pretty darn special. Its just so hard to believe that there is this little human inside me and that I get to be it's momma!
      Thanks for the tip on thyme maternity. I feel like I just have to accept it and take the plunge. Go comfy and {hopefully} stylish! I'm thinking some black pants, jeans and leggings will do the trick, so I will keep you posted on how that goes, along with many more baby posts I'm sure :)

  6. Terri (mom and grandma)March 19, 2012

    OK!! This is that "certain mother - soon to be grandmother" speaking and I am so sorry I couldn't keep it hush hush!! I was JUST TOO EXCITED!! I must say that your tummy is looking rather large already?? Is there maybe 2 in there?? Or how big did you say hubby Peter was?? So look forward to our new addition to the family!! luv momma

    1. Mom, I secretly love that you are so darn excited :)

      But don't you dare go down that "twin" talk route!!! Can you imagine?!?!
      Love, Erinn

  7. Awe, yay!!! So excited for you! Being a mom is the best thing on this Earth! So excited to watch your progress! You are glowing! ;)

  8. AWWWHHHH hun i am sooooo happy for you guys...having a baby is the best thing in the world - i loved being pregnant - hearing the baby's heart beat for the first thing-is the best sound in the world-i always looked forward to my next appt so i could hear the heartbeat. You are going to be an amazing mother :)

    1. Thanks Raelynn :) We get to hear the heartbeat tomorrow and can't freakin' wait!

  9. I am so excited for you Erinn and Porter is super excited to have a cousin around his birthday:) you look beautiful!
    love linz

    1. Thanks cousin, and yes, they most certainly will be close in birthdays! I didn't even realize that! How fun!!! xoxo

  10. The cat's out of the bag and I couldn't be more happy and excited for you Miss Erinn and Pete. It is going to be one amazing year filled with many wonderful experiences, feelings and love. Hugs and kisses, you will be wonderful parents, those who will encourage ambition, confidence and humanity. May you take each day as it comes and embrace the little things along the way. I look forward to being an aunty to your wee little bundle once he/she arrives. All the love in the world to you, health and happiness always.

    1. You just made me tear up. I love you Jenny. You are one dear friend and one hell of a great soon-to-be auntie.

  11. So excited for the two of u once again! ... I found these super-douper comfortable sexy, no wire and the great part about them they are used as nursing bras called HotMilk!.... (lol) I love baby blogging- I can't wait to hear more... I'm obviously baby crazy now:)!!!! I suggest you do a HOT ITEMs list, like Opera's favorite things kinda deal but stritly baby:) take care xo

    Jen shukalek

    1. HotMilk! Love it! I am totally going to try them out. Actually going to google where to find them right after this :)

      And I am also sooooo going to do a Hot Items list! Great idea and totally up my alley!!

  12. Stephanie G.March 19, 2012

    Finally the news is out!!! I can't wait for your baby I hope it has your gorgeous looks and pete's dance moves ;)

    Lots of live to u both xoxoxox

    1. Aww, Miss Steph. Thanks my friend. But let's hope it doesn't pick up ANY of pete's dance moves ;) haha, I don't know if I'd survive two of them in the house!


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