Sunday, September 9, 2012

.a blur.

The past few days have been quite the blur. Busy at work cleaning up and finalizing jobs. Busy at home prepping for baby. Washing clothes. Cleaning house. Packing the diaper bag. Packing the hospital bags. Busy setting up the nursery. Busy with doctors appointments. Busy with last minute lunches and dinners with friends. Busy making freezer meals. Busy with attending prenatal classes. Basically, busy with life before a baby comes I guess [1 month to go!]. So yes, I feel a little pooped out.

And it's funny. The second I get home, I jump in the same comfy clothes that I have worn the past 4 days straight. I just don't feel like wearing anything else. At least I change my underwear. That's a bonus for the hubby [poor guy].

On the bright side, my hair is washed....And I haven't had to cook dinner for the past 2 nights [thanks steph + rob for friday! thanks hubby for the pizza break on sat].....And my family baby shower is today! Which I am super excited about :)

I guess I'll have to find myself a new outfit to wear....unless dirty sweats and a smelly t-shirt passes as acceptable? 


  1. I hope you got spoiled :)

    1. Oh we most certainly did. It was such a nice time :)

  2. 1 month?! eeek... so exciting. I'm on Team Blue.

    1. You and me both ;)
      Now if the little one would just arrive already! Momma wants to meet it!

  3. HI! I found your blog via pinterest.. (cranberry lime vodka) also found your sour cherry vodka.. so will be making BOTH! Then came and peeked at recent posts! CONGRATS on your upcoming arrival!!! BEAUTIFUL maternity photo shoot!! Will be back to visit! :) Thanks for sharing the vodka ideas! :) (My friend will thank you too when I share them! HA HA!!) Have a GREAT day!

    1. Hi BethieJ! Welcome!
      Well, sounds like you know a good thing {making both types of vodka's! haha} and sounds like I want to be your friend if your dolling those out at Christmas! Lucky people ;)
      Also, as for the mat pictures, I give total kuddo's to the photographers....they where amazing. We had a total blast taking them.
      Hope you come again.

  4. Well you don't look tired! You look fabulous! Wish i looked like that at 36 weeks!! Don't forget to take some time to relax!

    1. Thanks Savery! Some days I'm not sure if both the laundry and myself will make it up the stairs! haha and its only going to get worse! So yes, I need to heed your advice! Rest and relax!
      Oh, but I am getting so excited. You have no idea. Soon I get to snuggle a little one.
      I cannot wait.

  5. wow you are FREAKING ADORABLE!! i think i say this every time i stop by but i hope i look as cute as you when i preggers!! love how stylish and glowing you are!! sending lots of positive energy your way!!

  6. It sounds like you are keeping very busy preparing for your little one!


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