
Monday, September 17, 2012

.at 37 weeks.

leggings: H&M | shirt: Joe | skinny belt: Old | bag: Fossil | bracelet: Club Monaco 2011 [similar]  |
shoes: Zara 2010 [similar
at thirty-seven weeks:
::the countdown is officially on. only 3 more weeks till baby's due date means this little sucker could potentially come at any time [and i'm hoping it's earlier]!
::i have now resorted to pretty much leggings full-time when leaving the house. they are just the most comfortable for me at this stage. i guess dresses make an appearance too.
::and flat shoes are absolutely a must.
::i am feeling pretty good considering how far along i am. frequent backaches bother me more, but that's nothing that husband can't fix with a good rub or a warm bath.
::i just discovered the tennis ball massage trick. heavens! i am in love!
::i am craving orange juice, with lots of pulp. and i'm still on the chocolate milk kick.  
::i have now moved from being scared of child birth to being excited. i feel more prepared. i just want to meet this little one so badly! something my friend chelsea said that really stuck with me was this "i actually kinda love being in labor [weird, right?]. every contraction brings you one step closer to meeting your babe. it's a magical feeling". so thank you chelsea....this has encouraged me  tremendously. 
::peter and i are now officially ready to bring baby home. car seat and hospital bags are all packed up.
::i have noticed myself sleeping in a lot more later than usual. maybe my poor body is just trying to get every last drop of sleep in before the 'fun' begins.
::baby has stopped kicking and punching and has begun rolling and stretching a lot more. it's not a short jab, but a sort of grinding move now. guess there isn't much room left for the little sucker to play.
::i've noticed that people tend to answer their phones a lot quicker now when i call then they did before...perhaps waiting for the 'baby' call? especially the poor husband. he's a giant ball of nerves right now!
::peter treated me to a maid service. sweet heavens, what a treat that is!
::i've been reading up on what to do after bringing baby home. for some reason it's like i have completely blanked out on how to manage a baby after the hospital. maybe my husband isn't the only ball of nerves around these parts.

For those of you who don't think in terms of weeks...this works out to 9 months + 1 week pregnant with only 3 more weeks to go!


  1. Looking great momma! love your outfit {those leggings! that color! love!}

    Can't wait to see your little one too!

  2. I am dying over that bag! Gorgeous you lucky girl!

    It that your new diaper bag that you mentioned back in your posts?

    1. Indeed it is! And I am in love! I think it'll be the perfect bag to tote around everywhere :)

  3. Erinn, you look amazing as usual! You are just radiating :)

    I am so glad that you feel less fearful and that I have inspired you. I didn't expect that! Labour certainly isn't easy, but it's worth it. Everytime I tell someone my birth stories or think about them, I *almost* get baby fever.... Almost! Ha ha. Also, seeing how beautiful you look and reading about your babies kicks, rolls and hiccups makes me want to have another little jelly bean! I am seriously SO excited for you and want to meet this baby!! Ha ha xoxo

    1. Thanks Chelsea :)

      I know what you mean on baby fever. I don't technically even have one yet and I'm already thinking of round #2! But sadly, we don't want husband having a heart attack if he reads this, so we'll save that for a couple more years yet......Although if our little one turns out as cute as either of yours, baby fever may kick in full swing and he won't be able to stop me! ha.

      Baby date [and mommy date] very very soon my friend.

  4. Erinn, can you show us what you packed in that bag? I'm always curious to see what you'll be toting around.


    1. Fran, you read my mind. I have a diaper bag post all lined up :)

  5. How exciting.

    And you Fossil bag is making me drool.

    1. Christine - After reading your comment on your fossil bag lasting forever and you loving it to bits, well, that just did it for me. And I am in love with it! Thanks for inadvertently shopping for me ;)

  6. you're so friggen cute - I know I should swear on baby related posts, but seriously and I'm with Christine... your fossil bag is ahhh-mazing and oh so diaper worthy. xo

  7. 37 weeks! ahhh. You must be so excited! 37 weeks was where the "waiting" started for me. Unfortunately, I had to wait a long a long 4 weeks after that. I am so hoping baby T decides to make it's appearance on time!

    Please enjoy that sleeping in as much as you can. I miss it.... haha.


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