
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

.baby things: christmas cozies.

SHOP: no.1 | no.2 | no.3 | no.4 | no.5 | no.6 | no.7 | no.8
When my hubby and I first found out we would be expecting a little babe come fall, one of the very first things that got me excited was the thought of having a baby around at Christmas time. Our first Christmas as a family of three! 
And even though he will only be 2 1/2 months old, there's just something so innocent about kids at christmas, with the wonder of it all, that makes me feel like a child as well. It makes me want to participate in all things warm and jolly.
So while I understand that it may be a little early yet, I have already begun stock-piling Jack's cozies,  Christmas edition style. Above are some of my favourites.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

.a week of first moments.

a little daddy love
It's hard to believe that our little man was 1 week old yesterday. A week that we've been a family of three, wow! And that we survived.....

See, I won't lie and tell you that it was easy. Because it wasn't. The late nights, constant feedings and attention, and wacky schedule really takes a toll on an already beat-up momma. However, I will tell you that it was one of the most wonderful weeks of our lives. A week full of emotions that I simply can't put into words. A week full of sweet joyous moments, new discoveries, early mornings, late nights, poopy diapers, love, wide smiles, a few tears, lots of cuddles and so much happiness.

And although my blogging has obviously taken a backseat to this amazing little dude, I wanted to share some moments from our first week as a family of three.
snuggled tight
taking in daddy
daddy diaper changes
first bath and his favourite 'why me?' arm stance
post-bath mommy snuggles
meeting new friends
jack & oliver. bff's and exactly 1 month apart.
having family coo over him and basically being a little rockstar
snoozing on daddy and a personal mommy favourite moment.
sweet dreaming

Monday, October 22, 2012

.introducing the little guy.

Well, he's finally here! Introducing our wee little man, Jack Henry.
7.4 pounds of pure deliciousness!

Born on October 17th @ 1:16 am, after being 9 days overdue and enduring a long 2 day delivery, both mom and the little man are doing great. A little sleep deprived perhaps, but absolutely great.

He has daddy's chin and mommy's nose, and makes a great little owl face. His hobbies include eating, sleeping and pooping. Mostly in that order. And he loves cuddling at all times. 

He is just awesome and we simply can't get enough.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

.baby things: outerwear | girl + boy.

Oh, I can feel it in the air. Winter is coming. Sad, but true.
And I suspect that our little treb will need a warm winter jacket for all our play-dates in the snow [0-4 month olds play in the snow, right?]. Ha. I guess it's pretty apparent that I'll take any old excuse to pick up one of these sweet cozy styles.
Here are my favourites this season.

For the Boy.
#1, 2, and 5 being my favourite of the favourites :)
SHOP: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

For the Girl.
#1, 2, 3, and 4 being my favourite of the favourites :)
SHOP: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

.little black leopards.

SHOP: panther maternity shirt: ASOS | skinny maternity jeans: H&M | belt: old |
shoes: Chinese Laundry [similar] | arrow necklace: Oxford Trunk
The thing about this shirt is that I absolutely adore it. My favourite maternity purchase by far.
But I mean what's not to love? It has cool tiny leopards all over it, can be tucked in or left out, be worn with a belt or without and is darn stylish for pregnancy attire. You can also wear it with jeans or leggings and not too mention, it's majorly comfy!
So why, you are probably wondering [or probably not, but go with it], haven't I shown it till now? Well, silly Erinn bought it online from the UK months ago and without checking into their sizing requirements just ordered my 'normal' size.
Well, oh dear. Big mistake. Huge.
It has been sitting in my sad little closet staring at me with those big 'pick me eyes' while I was forced to choose it's neighbours up until the last couple months of my pregnancy. Well, the day has finally come and I am admittedly large enough to give the black leopard some closet freedom and love.
So I guess their is a bonus to baby t taking a little extra time on my gives me another day to wear my little black leopards.
And that, my friends, is a good day for all.

Also, did you win the Stella & Dot: green giveaway? Click here to find out!

Monday, October 8, 2012

.hey baby, you listening?

Hi babe, It's momma.

I think we need to talk.

You see, it's finally time sweet child. Time to come on out.

Today is your due date. And 2 months ago, I was this completely content and rational woman. Perfectly happy on keeping you snuggled safe and sound in my ever growing belly. Protecting you from the world and selfishly keeping our intimate bond all to myself. Simply happy to be pregnant for the rest of my life. Just you and I.

But now, sweet child. It's time. Time for you to introduce that charming personality, I just know you have, to others. Those adorable chubby cheeks. Those enormous clodhopper feet. And that grin that looks so similar to mine. Time to even show off that stubborn side you must have inherited having peter and I for parents. It's just time peanut. So do your best to come on out for momma.

Now, I'll promise to do my best too. I'll try every trick on the planet to help you along safely. Help you enter this world with as much ease as possible. And you know what.....even though the inside is probably pretty cozy, I can promise you this, the outside is pretty darn awesome too. You know why? Because this tall handsome fella, you get to call your daddy, is out here just waiting to meet you. He cannot wait to play with you. Cuddle you. Smother you in kisses. And let you sleep soundly on his chest.

So babe, please don't consider this your eviction notice. Because it's not. I really do love your every hiccup and roll, and I just know I'll miss it all, but please consider this your invitation to be loved by that handsome fella. The one you are so lucky to have as your dad.

And for once, sweet child, I don't mind sharing him one little bit.

Because it's time. And we're ready.

your momma.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

.thank-you on a canadian thanksgiving weekend.

One thing, that I seriously want to pat all you lovely Americans on the back, is that you sure know how to do Thanksgiving properly. Us Canadians, just don't even come close. You plan big family gatherings months in advance, decorate your tables in gorgeous harvest decor, say your prayers and thanks, help each other cook a beautiful meal, and fully enjoy your thanksgiving long weekend with those that you love. 

This Monday, being our Canadian Thanksgiving [and also our babies due date! yay!], I wish I saw just a few more mini pumpkins, harvest decor, or variations of turkeys popping up in our homes. And I wish my home smelled of cinnamon and pumpkin! But sadly, it's almost like we forget about it. And perhaps, I shouldn't clump all Canadians into this stereo-type....I mean most of us Canadians do get together, eat big meals and celebrate with our families, but for whatever reason, the hype just isn't the same.

And trust me, I am no better. 
I mean, yes, this year we have another priority taking over our lives [come on baby t....], but I vow next year to be that change. I vow to host a proper Thanksgiving meal without it being last minute, cook a plump turkey, make some pumpkin pie and share it all with those that I love. To thank those that I love. Because isn't that what this holiday is really all about? Being thankful for our Family and Friends.....

So thank you friends in my blogging world. 
You make me feel welcomed to share my life and experiences with you without judgement.
You allow me a creative outlet on a daily basis.
You inspire me to try new things, whether it be a new recipe, a diy craft, or even as simple as wearing a leopard belt with stripes.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and thoughts with me in your comments or emails that I seriously love so much. You all make me laugh and smile daily.
Thank you for some beautiful new friendships formed on here that really do mean more to me than I probably let on.
Thank you for giving me a few minutes of your day & time to read the Fancy Napkin.
Thank you for your well wishes and reassuring words on these new changes in my life, especially regarding our little baby. It really means so much.
Thank you for not laughing too hard when I post an outfit picture and try to strike a model pose.
Thank you for encouraging me in my new pursuits.
Thank you for your continued support.
And best of all, Thank you for accepting me.
I feel very loved.

And, Happy Thanksgiving to all you fellow Canadians. Lets not forget what this holiday is about. Share some love and hug those closest to you. I know I will be.

**ALSO, have you entered in my Stella & Dot GIVEAWAY yet? It's my way to say 'Thanks' to you all for following along and reading Fancy Napkin. Closes monday......and Good luck!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

.turntable: stompa.

This song has this big pregnant momma moving and dancing all over this house in seriously awkward ways. So it's pretty safe to say that I kinda can't wait for this new album to come out in full [Nov.13th!].
Serena Ryder. 
album: Harmony.
song: Stompa.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

.at 39 weeks.

SHOP: sweater dress: Joe Fresh [similar] | maternity jeans: Topshop | moccasins: Minnetonka |
necklace: Anthropologie | earrings: Stella & Dot
at thirty-nine weeks:
::i am feeling very pregnant. the baby is low and putting all sorts of pressure in places i didn't even know existed. thank god for all those kegels or i may have had to resort to wearing diapers myself!
::i am getting a million phone calls a day. mostly from my mother and mother-in-law, but i guess i saw that coming.
::i am craving apples. i eat quite a few per day and have quite the process in doing it. they must be cut into little wedges or i don't want them. weird, right?
::dresses that used to fit normally, have now resorted to being long sweaters. case in point:the 'sweater' above.
::husband is speaking more and more to baby directly, but it's turned to coaching rather than cooing. a few personal favourites: "come on baby, get out now", "just go down the tunnel already", "head towards the light",  and "sorry baby, this is your eviction notice".
::i put pants on in the picture above and immediately regretted it. pants still suck.
::i am officially on maternity leave. and not really sure what to make of it. i just can't seem to sit still for longer than 5 minutes.
::i've decided that it's official. this child is the king/queen on hiccups. i swear one million hiccups a day.
::i am trying all sorts of wacky things to help baby naturally progress along. all. sorts. of. wacky. things.
::the only turkey i am wanting, come this monday, is our little one!

For those of you who don't think in terms of weeks...this works out to 9 months + 3 weeks pregnant and less than 5 days till my due date!

**NOTE: Sorry for the grainy i-phone pictures in the last couple posts.....our fancy camera is all packed and ready for peanut's arrival.  We'll get back on schedule shortly. I promise :)


Have you entered for the Stella & Dot giveaway yet?? It closes on Monday so get on that will ya! Click here for more information.

Monday, October 1, 2012

.a fancy giveaway: green [CLOSED]


Oh man, I have been eyeing up that new pair of earrings (the liv drop for the last few hours!). So in love!


[Comments: 1 to 56]
Stella + Dot: Green giveaway  22Powered by RANDOM.ORG
 Please send me an email [] so I know where to ship them.
[And great choice!]

Friends! Want to win one of these?
Yeah, I thought so......and the best part, YOU GET TO CHOOSE YOUR FAV ITEM!!

So this lovely Monday, I decided to do a Fancy Giveaway to one of you lucky readers!
Maybe it's because it's my last day at work before maternity leave starts. Maybe it's because I haven't done a giveaway in a while. Maybe it's because I am feeling mighty generous. Or maybe it's just because I am loving this shade of green! But mostly it's because I just love you guys all so much!
So don't be's how you enter [it's super easy!]:
1] You must "Follow" Fancy Napkin via google friend connect [don't know how? click the 'join this site' button and follow the's under the "Follow Me" section over on the right hand side].
2] "Leave a comment" telling me which one of the three items above you would like to win.
For Additional Entries [the more entries, the better chances of winning!]
3] "Like" Fancy Napkin on Facebook [click here] and then leave a separate comment below telling me you did.
4] "Follow" Fancy Napkin on Twitter [click here] and then leave a separate comment below telling me you did.

*Open to residents of Canada and the US. Winner will be drawn on Monday, October 8th [Baby's Due Date! Yeah!!] so make sure to check back to see if you've won :), Good Luck!