
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

.at 39 weeks.

SHOP: sweater dress: Joe Fresh [similar] | maternity jeans: Topshop | moccasins: Minnetonka |
necklace: Anthropologie | earrings: Stella & Dot
at thirty-nine weeks:
::i am feeling very pregnant. the baby is low and putting all sorts of pressure in places i didn't even know existed. thank god for all those kegels or i may have had to resort to wearing diapers myself!
::i am getting a million phone calls a day. mostly from my mother and mother-in-law, but i guess i saw that coming.
::i am craving apples. i eat quite a few per day and have quite the process in doing it. they must be cut into little wedges or i don't want them. weird, right?
::dresses that used to fit normally, have now resorted to being long sweaters. case in point:the 'sweater' above.
::husband is speaking more and more to baby directly, but it's turned to coaching rather than cooing. a few personal favourites: "come on baby, get out now", "just go down the tunnel already", "head towards the light",  and "sorry baby, this is your eviction notice".
::i put pants on in the picture above and immediately regretted it. pants still suck.
::i am officially on maternity leave. and not really sure what to make of it. i just can't seem to sit still for longer than 5 minutes.
::i've decided that it's official. this child is the king/queen on hiccups. i swear one million hiccups a day.
::i am trying all sorts of wacky things to help baby naturally progress along. all. sorts. of. wacky. things.
::the only turkey i am wanting, come this monday, is our little one!

For those of you who don't think in terms of weeks...this works out to 9 months + 3 weeks pregnant and less than 5 days till my due date!

**NOTE: Sorry for the grainy i-phone pictures in the last couple posts.....our fancy camera is all packed and ready for peanut's arrival.  We'll get back on schedule shortly. I promise :)


Have you entered for the Stella & Dot giveaway yet?? It closes on Monday so get on that will ya! Click here for more information.


  1. adorable. period.

  2. Gah!!!
    You look amazing!

    When I was pregnant I would ONLY eat apples cut into wedges, and it has carried over-- it's the only way I like to eat them and Michael gives me a hard time about it constantly.

    Come on baby T!!!!!

    1. Thanks friend!
      And I think this apple trend is here to stay as well! I've now been cutting my pears, oranges, you-name-it-fruit this way! Something almost delicate about it. Great minds think alike ;)

  3. get out of here with that cute outfit and even cuter belly! you look ahhh-mazing! I'm so pumped for Baby Treb's arrival! I don't know if you have a baby pool but here's my prediction:

    October 8th {my favourite #}
    6 lbs 11 oz


    1. No baby pool, but you just gave me a great idea. Might have to quickly do a blog post on that one and make a mini pool :)

  4. Your looking awesome! Nice bump and seems for sure you will have a baby boy! 24 Weeks Pregnant Weight Gain

    1. I think so as well! Have since the beginning of this pregnancy, but as everyone keeps reminding me.....You never know! hahah, thanks for stopping by :)

  5. you seriously look SO GREAT!! i think i say this every single time i stop by, but seriously you do! love stella and dot, so off to do that RIGHT NOW!

    xoxo, Lyndsey


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