
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

.baby things: christmas cozies.

SHOP: no.1 | no.2 | no.3 | no.4 | no.5 | no.6 | no.7 | no.8
When my hubby and I first found out we would be expecting a little babe come fall, one of the very first things that got me excited was the thought of having a baby around at Christmas time. Our first Christmas as a family of three! 
And even though he will only be 2 1/2 months old, there's just something so innocent about kids at christmas, with the wonder of it all, that makes me feel like a child as well. It makes me want to participate in all things warm and jolly.
So while I understand that it may be a little early yet, I have already begun stock-piling Jack's cozies,  Christmas edition style. Above are some of my favourites.

1 comment:

  1. You totally nailed it... little ones make Christmas 100% more awesome {as if it wasn't awesome enough already}.
    I've stopped buying any sleeper that doesn't have zippers or require me to pull them over Gabe's head. I don't know about you, but I found they were SUCH a pain is the a$$ to get on and off - especially when you have a puker and pee magician {where the diaper stays dry but the outfits are soaked in urine}. lovely.
    more photos of the munchkin please ;) xo


i think comments are pretty awesome!