
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

.mightee kids.

see that shirt up there that my little mr is wearing? 
cute, right?! 
it's from a company called mightee kids and i just have to spread the word about these pretty wonderful people. so let me break it down with three points about that shirt:

one: it's part of a monthly subscription that i signed the little bugg man up for. each month he gets sent a cool new shirt delivered right to our door. you pick your size and can change it at any time. so when your baby grows, his shirt can grow with him. 

two: the shirts are just simply adorable. plain and simple. great quality and a truly cool + unique design. 

three: each shirt represents a non-profit charity for that month. each month is a different non-profit and a different designed shirt [jacks particular design above supports 'children with autism']. and $5 from each shirt goes to helping that specific non-profit. pretty cool right? also! you get these awesome info cards to read with your child, filled with helpful hints to explain to them what each charity is all about. i think this is such an awesome way to teach your kids a little about the differences in the world, a little about compassion, and a little about giving + helping.

so basically, your children look cool while helping others. win-win in my books.
february, march and april designs.
*this post is not sponsored in any way. i just truly believe that mightee kids are trying to make a difference in a persons life who truly need the help. whether it be children, animals, or a community. and that, my friends, just needs to be shared.


  1. AnonymousMay 21, 2013

    You are the sweetest human being ever. Thank you for sharing. I am signing up right now.

    Thanks again!

    1. Oh gosh. Thanks so much :)

      I hope you enjoy!

  2. AnonymousMay 21, 2013

    Your little guy is the cutest little thing.

  3. Rad is right! I am signing both my kiddos up right now. Thanks for spreading the word about this company!


    1. So happy to hear that you're signing up both kiddos Cindy :)
      It's really a wonderful cause and I hope they get many subscriptions.

  4. Jack is so awesome. Those pictures are to die for cute! That first one just cracks me up.

    Also, great cause. Good find!

    1. Thanks Gertie! That first one kills me too. Such a hamball that kid is.

  5. ooooh I LOVE this!

    Jack is so precious.

    off to check out the T's.

    1. I think you'll love these Sara! Saigeroo needs a subscription for sure! She could rock them all with her sassy little self.

      Wish we could plan a play date with the kiddo's....perhaps one day my friend.

  6. Leanne Dransfeld (Stone)May 22, 2013

    What a wonderful idea, Erinn. I'm going to check out the Mightee Kids site and sign my wee man Max up as well.
    You always have such cool baby clothes for your Jack. Wherever do you find all of these great online places?
    Ps. Jack is simply adorable!

    1. CONGRATULATIONS Leanne!!!!! Little baby Max! Yay! What a great name and I so want to meet him!! I think a playdate may have to be in our near future!

      Please send me your email lady []?! Your off FB now and I can't get in touch to set something up!!


i think comments are pretty awesome!