oh, my goodness. i haven't blogged since oct. 25th! not surprising since the entire month of october itself, flew right on by. i mean how is it november 14th already? how?!
i started work again full time, we celebrated jack's 1st birthday, flew to toronto for the h&m fashion family contest as winners [yay!], then spent a few extra days in toronto doing some sight-seeing and enjoying jack's first trip, flew home for a day and then peter and i jet-setted off for a week to celebrate the nuptials for one of my best friends in san diego [jack had sleepovers at the grandmother's houses and had a blast]. it's been a busy month. a good month, but busy.
that being said, i really have a bunch of catching up to do.
so first off, i really wanted to start with our little jack bugg's lumberJACK 1st birthday party. we had over friends and family in our packed house and as encouraged, everyone came dressed in their best plaid.
i've always heard that first birthday parties are more for the adults then the actual birthday babes and i kind of have to admit it's probably true. although, i do know that jack had a blast and his sugar high lasted all afternoon. what a trooper! not one peep of a cry after missing his afternoon nap and just smiles all around. he must have known he was the centre of attention or something and well, he just loves that sort of thing. guess he takes after his father ;)

we originally hired a bongo drummer to come to the house and play for the kiddos, but after he called in sick last minute we had to resort to a beard decorating craft station. it was super last minute, but think it turned out to keep a few of them entertained for at least a couple of minutes! ha! we also had a little photo-booth set up and snapped pictures of each guest, which we included in thank you cards that i have yet to mail out [sorry friends!]. our props included beards for all, hats, scarves and a lot of buffalo check.
our food table was filled with all sorts of 'lumberjack breakfast' themed goodies. i made
these fluffy flapjack pancakes, candied bacon-on-a-stick [by following
this recipe], lumberjack sandwiches, sweet timber chocolate logs, and my talented friend morgan brought over some maple bacon cupcakes [thank you so much!] which were absolutely delicious! i highly recommend! she followed
this recipe, as i know some of you will ask. we also featured 'uncle si's sweet tea' as our featured drink.
the kiddoes each went home with a goody bag filled with jacks favourite colouring book, some pencil crayons, egg candies, an owl mask and tattoos from
wee gallery [the
owl mask,
book and
tattoos]. we cannot thank the
wee gallery enough for such awesome stuff. we simply love that store.
overall, i think jack had a blast and we got to experience our baby's first birthday. it was a very very good day.
happy birthday, sweet boy. we love you more than we have words. xo.