Showing posts with label Baby Things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby Things. Show all posts

Saturday, May 25, 2013

.product review: mustache baby.

the wee man, pete, and i were lucky enough to be sent a copy of the new children's book, mustache baby by bridget heos, for a read and a review. from the very first page, we were all smitten. i mean, a baby who is born with a moustache! how can that not be a hit with both youngsters and parents??? a perfect book to read together as a family. 

so basically this adorable little babe is born with a moustache. he grows it into all sorts of styles, changing his looks from everything like 'the artist' to 'the cowboy' to 'the spanish painter". one day, the mustache grows into a bad sort of mustache and the story continues from there....

seriously, the story is adorable. the illustrations are ridiculously cute. and we have read it multiple times since receiving it. i highly recommend for your next book purchase.

**hometown side-note: i was thrilled to learn that the illustrator, joy ang, lives in my hometown of edmonton, alberta, canada. she has drawn some of the best modern cartoon illustrations i've seen in a while and i was just so proud of some local talent hitting the semi-big league!! wicked awesome if you ask me! can't wait to see what else you have coming joy!!
*special thanks to canadian family for sending our family a copy of this book to review and enjoy. while we were asked to review it, all opinions are our own. this really is a wonderful little book for all to enjoy. happy reading!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

.cats, of all sorts.

as mentioned in the previous post [here], i am loving all things of the feline species. and these are my top picks for kiddos. 

purchase here:
single panther sweater || this rad sweater would be great for a girl or boy. a tutu skirt or jeans. i'm sold!
grey tiger sweatshirt || i actually purchased this sweater for jack, however will have to wait till he's 2 for it to fit. yes, his 2 year old pile is growing by the day, but when you have adorable shirts like this grey one, how can i not purchase it? sigh, that is life.
single tiger onesie || i loved this onesie so much, that i actually stripped a mannequin for it! and yes, it was featured on a jack's threads post [seen here].
multiple black panther sweater || like i said above, this is just plain awesome.
multiple tiger onesie || mini rodini makes some of the most unique pieces for children and this one tops the list. super cool if you ask me.
tiger leggings || same as above, but in legging form. sweet!
meow sweatshirt || i think this may be my next buy for our wee guy. something about this reminds me of the super trooper movie and it makes me smile everytime i look at it. i think it'd make a great layering  item as well!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

.kid things: jcrew for little ladies.

[shop: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 ]

okay, can someone with a little girl in their lives please go and purchase something off this list?
i mean come on with the cuteness!

and bonus! each of these items are currently on sale!!! 

run! [or just click in the SHOP section] to get your hands on any of these goodies. i give you full permission to make me jealous with your little lady adorableness ;)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

.first week survival items: for baby.

one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
one] mamaroo: a gift from grandpa wayne [my dad] and a freaking lifesaver! seriously, this magical ride has allowed me to shower, do laundry, blog, read, watch a movie, take a bath, brush my teeth, etc. etc. it has basically has given me a life to do some normal things without having to tote around the little man. he stays nestled nice and tight and if he's fussing at all, i just turn on the 'car ride' motion and for the most part he's in heaven. he has also moved from co-sleeping [although, after daddy leaves in the morning, jack's goes right into bed with me for a morning cuddle and sleep] to snoozing in this at night. he seems to prefer the tightness of this better than our bassinet.
two] baby socks / mittswhile, i didn't think that would need these, i was very wrong. babies have the sharpest little nails and just love to have their hands in their faces at all times. poor little man really tried to do a number on himself! and while we went with tiny itty-bitty socks to cover jack's hands, these adorable mittens are just too cute. 
three] extra wipes: so completely necessary! and having a bunch of extra's around has saved me numerous trips to the store. i like to use the sensitive ones as they are basically water and cloth, without all the washing.
four] pacifiersmost nurses will tell you to not give your newborn a pacifier until you are well established in the breastfeeding department. and while i completely agree with them on that one and tried to keep a 'soother' out of jack's mouth for the recommended 1 month, it just didn't happen. the little man needed something immediately to calm him and after eating his fill of milk [we did pretty well right off the bat in the breastfeeding department], my poor sore nipples just couldn't take the extra 'play time' jack wanted. so after we figured out that he was just using me as a soother anyways, we introduced a nuk style pacifier and it saved our sanity and my boobies!
five] newborn / premie onesies: i was totally surprised when my 7.4 lbs baby didn't seem to fit anything we had for him. so i totally recommend picking up a couple newborn/premie onesies for those first couple weeks. and for summer, go with short sleeves; winter, stick with the long.
six] nursing pillow: at first i wasn't sure how much use i would get out of this, but after purchasing it on sale at a 50% discount at toys r us, i went for it and boy was i happy that i did! most used item by far for breastfeeding. i carry it with me from room-to-room.
seven] extra diapers: we've gone with cloth diapering at home [at least we're trying] and disposables for our and about. however, most of my cloth diapers are too large for the wee boy, so having a ton of extra diapers around has been a saving grace. especially considering this child poops 100 times a day!
eight] swaddling blankets: i've mentioned these [and my love for them] about a million times, but they really are just so awesome: the aden & anais swaddling blankets. as any new momma will tell you, most new babies like the feel of being cozy and warm [i mean they where basically in a tight heat machine for 10 months!]. so after discovering the benefits of a tight swaddle, little jack slept longer at night and i felt assured that he was cozy and warm. a win win. they can also double as a breastfeeding cover, stroller blanket, burp cloth, spit rag, etc. etc! i personally prefer the bamboo style of material [so incredibly soft!], but these bejeweled colors are pretty darn awesome too!
nine] baby lotion: this heavenly mom and baby balm was lathered over little jack day and night. with him being born in the middle of october and with us albertan's getting a bit of a cold hit early this year, his newborn skin was all sorts of dry. this totally helped with the little guys flakey and dry skin. the normal shea butter is pretty awesome too and totally soft enough for your little babe or yourself [click here to view].

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

.first week survival items: for the momma.

one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten
As most of you may have read here, surviving my first couple weeks as a new mom was very eye opening. I wouldn't necessarily say rough, but definitely harder than I was expecting. So for all you soon-to-be new momma's out there, here are some items [and some tips] that I found very useful and completely necessary to survive those first couple weeks. 
For the momma.
one] nursing sleep bras: again, with the sore boobs....okay, so with the puppies being super sensitive i found that keeping them bound nice and cozy in a bra helped a little. however, who likes to sleep with a hard underwire? these cozy sleeping bras kept me nice and comfortable during the night and also provided easy access to the goods for the little man. i recommend getting at least 2 of them.
two] lanolin cream: sore nipples - enough said. this cream and a nice hot shower where just about all that was saving me from ripping my sore boobs off my body for good. 
three] breast pump: great for two things...first, for pumping a little when your boobs become engorged and sore in those first few days when baby doesn't take in that much milk. this seriously helps take a little of the pressure off [but don't pump too much because the more you pump, the more milk your boobs will produce!]. and second, by pumping a little when i could, it gave me a break from the constant around the clock 2 hour feedings, which i don't have to point out is exhausting! pumping and a bottle [just have to find a bottle that your babe will patient, it took us 8 bottles before we found a winner!] allowed my husband or babysitter to feed jack and then this tired momma could have a nap. 
four] sanitary pads: not to get too graphic, but you will need a lot of these. another lovely truth after birth. be stocked.
five] make-up remover wipes: those rare days when i did actually put make-up on, their was no way that i also had time to wash my face properly. i ended up keeping these wipes beside my bed and felt much better knowing that a quick wipe kept my face clear from those pesky pimples.....especially with all my wacky changing hormones!
six] toilet paper: you will need more of this stuff than you think. trust me. i was obsessed about keeping a stocked cabinet full and after running through almost the entire stash in the first week and not feeling up to leaving the house for a shopping trip by myself, i was happy that i did stock up. and you will too. it's amazing how much you will use.
seven] peri-bottle: for those of you who don't know what this is, it's the squirt bottle the hospital will send you home with. and thank the lord that they do! totally takes the edge off of your first few bathroom breaks. at least it worked for me and allowed me not to fear peeing every time i had to go! 
eight] freezer meals: i was slightly obsessed about having a couple frozen meals ready before jack was born even though the husband said he would just cook every night for us [he really is an amazing cook!] and that we wouldn't need them. well, we were so busy those first couple weeks, that our freezer meals and the meals that our our family and friends dropped off where invaluable! it was super awesome just to be able to throw something in the oven and eat. best gift ever.
*check out care-it urban deli for excellent pre-made meals. pete and i totally taste-test approve! and i've also heard that cena [in sherwood park] is very tasty too!
nine] nursing bra pads: i know, i know! again with the boobies!! but this time it's for those pesky leaks [sadly this happens]. i found these pads soaked up any excess milk, saved me embarrassment when out, and even provided comfort and protection to my sore nipples. i actually love these so much that i basically haven't been without them, sleep or awake.
ten] husband taking the week off: probably the most important thing on here. husband, boyfriend, partner, sister, mother, friend. whoever you have around you, please take my advice and use them. having peter home with me that first week was INVALUABLE. i know i wouldn't have survived without him. he fed me, kept me hydrated, reminded me to take my med's, allowed me valuable nap-time, and even gave me a few moments for a much needed relaxing bath or shower.

And for all you momma's out there, I'm curious....what were your survival items that first week?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

.baby things: christmas cozies.

SHOP: no.1 | no.2 | no.3 | no.4 | no.5 | no.6 | no.7 | no.8
When my hubby and I first found out we would be expecting a little babe come fall, one of the very first things that got me excited was the thought of having a baby around at Christmas time. Our first Christmas as a family of three! 
And even though he will only be 2 1/2 months old, there's just something so innocent about kids at christmas, with the wonder of it all, that makes me feel like a child as well. It makes me want to participate in all things warm and jolly.
So while I understand that it may be a little early yet, I have already begun stock-piling Jack's cozies,  Christmas edition style. Above are some of my favourites.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

.baby things: outerwear | girl + boy.

Oh, I can feel it in the air. Winter is coming. Sad, but true.
And I suspect that our little treb will need a warm winter jacket for all our play-dates in the snow [0-4 month olds play in the snow, right?]. Ha. I guess it's pretty apparent that I'll take any old excuse to pick up one of these sweet cozy styles.
Here are my favourites this season.

For the Boy.
#1, 2, and 5 being my favourite of the favourites :)
SHOP: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

For the Girl.
#1, 2, 3, and 4 being my favourite of the favourites :)
SHOP: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Thursday, September 27, 2012

.baby things: gap dorchester | girl.

While I have been super hesitant to buy any girl items as I know you can't really 'boy up' a dress, these particular pieces are to die for cute. And come October, if this little babe of ours is a girl, you'd better believe the little miss and her momma will have a date to Gap.

Here's a round up of my favorite pieces from Gap's Dorchester fall girl collection:

1| Bow A-line Jacket | Probably my most favorite piece in this line and I absolutely MUST get this is we have a little girl. It's the most perfect party-ready jacket and in the most adorable blush color. LOVE.
2| Garter-Stitch Pom Pom Hat | I just simply love this color mixed with the grey fur pom. Super cute.
3| Intarsia Dog Graphic Sweater | This sweater is pretty simple to love. Dogs. Plum Purple. A little Bow at the collar. Done.
4| Legging Cords | Isn't this the most perfect color ever? And legging cords? Thumbs up for comfort!
5| Ruffle One-Piece | Just awesome in every way.
6| Big Bow Ballet Flats | Because every little miss needs a great pair of black ballet shoes [especially with a great big bow on the front].
7| Raglan Dot Dress | I can just imagine this with a little braided belt, leggings and some ankle booties. Adorable!
8| 2-in-1 Pleated Shorts with Tights | Polka dots, shorts and tights. In winter? Hell, yes! I promise you, this will be my little girls outfit [and secretly makes me want a little miss so badly. Simply for shorts with tights. In winter.]
9| Big Bow Headband | Comes in 4 awesome prints and could easily be added to any of those 'boy' pieces I spoke about yesterday [check out my fav boy picks here!]

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

.baby things: gap dorchester | boy.

Yesterday, I strolled into Gap Kids in search of a gift for our friends with a new baby boy. And I have to tell you, I was pleasantly surprised with one of their new fall lines, called Dorchester.

It has a mix of cozy and cute, with a pop of bright colors throughout. Lime green and plum purple - Yeah! I even felt a little "halloween-ish" and I loved it all. My simple purchase of a baby gift turned into a mini treb shopping trip as well. I just couldn't help it!

Here is a run down of my favorites in the "boy" section [although I really think a girl could wear a little of this too!].
1| Handsome Fella Body Suit | Loved this one, but also have my eye of the King of the Castle onesie. If this baby turns into a little boy, each will be bought. I promise you that.
2| Elbow Patch Cardigan | Pretty darn cute, no? And I think a boy or girl could both rock this sweater. Under a cute little dress or over a simple tee and jeans, cute cute cute!
3| Twill Toggle Vest | Perfect for boy or girl. And I just had to have it, so I bought it. And it's pretty awesome.
4| Ribbed Pom-Pom Hat | Even though mini treb has enough toques to last it through the next 5 winters, I couldn't help myself and this was instantly put into my basket. So adorable!
5| Ombre Sweater | Purchased and love it! Perfect for fall and if you add a cute collared shirt underneath, you will have one stylish babe.
6| Knit-Waist Lined Jeans Black Wash | Great quality and warm. Comfy and Cute. What more could you want in a baby jean?
7| Slub Terry Hoodie | Purchased and one of my fav new hoodies.
8| Lace-up Sherpa Boots | Even though these are super similar to the moccasin booties [which gap brought back into this line as well] that I bought baby treb a little while ago, I adore these and am considering if I should just buy them in a different size.
9| Striped Knit Pants | Just an all around great pant for boy or a girl. And yes, these came home with me as well.
10| Long Sleeved Chambray Shirt | Love this shirt a little too much. Wondering if this would work for a girl too? If so, then yes this will be next on my purchase list. 

So as you can see, I simply adored this line and after buying #3, 4, 5, 7, & 9 [and seriously considering #1, #8 and #10] my little babe [girl or boy] may just be looking like the next Gap mannequin. 

Thursday, September 20, 2012

.what's in baby t's diaper bag.

The other day, I posted a baby update and featured our newest addition to baby t's [or rather momma's] wardrobe: Our new Diaper bag. It's really such a gorgeous piece and after receiving a few requests, I've decided to give you a little glimpse on what's inside.

First of all, I knew that I wanted a diaper bag that would be stylish and functional. I mean you carry this thing around with you everywhere! I also knew that I didn't want to spend big bucks on a bag that I couldn't use as a purse or day-bag long after baby t has outgrown actually needing a diaper bag.
A classic shape, great color, and quality materials gives me the confidence to know that this bag will be with me for many years to come, and it even appears that each scratch it receives makes if look even better! I think we have ourselves a winner my friends.
I also want to point out that this beautiful bag [thank you mama + tata T!] is crammed full of all the baby necessities that I could think of and then some. I guess I tend to swing more along the motto of 'better safe than sorry', and I am happy to report that it all fits!
Here are some of the actual items** that I already have crammed into my diaper bag.
bag | diaper cream | blankets [my favorite brand!] | fuzzibuns fitted cloth diapers [we have these ones although we may just use disposables while out and about for ease] | pacifiers | small glass bottle | natural diapers wipes [frangrance free] | cute baby socks | adorable cuddly stuffed animal | comfy cozy pants [and a bunch of onesies, not shown] | baby book [just in time for halloween!] | modern burp cloths 
** As well as a few other things that I will be toting around but didn't make this board: Robot Change pad, Wood Toy Beads, Snacks [for momma!] and Hand Sanitizer [pocket sized].

So friends, I'm curious...what's in your diaper bag? Did I miss anything?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

.loving: the moose.

shop and purchase information below
These days, I simply can't get enough of this damn moose print. In some way or another the moose just seems to sneak into all of baby t's little items. While it feels a little like christmas and we are just beginning to move into fall, I can't help myself from loving it to bits!
It started with a pair of pajamas. Then moved onto the crib sheets I made.  From there, I discovered Hatley [and basically own every moose article on that site]. It's a weird, weird addiction considering I am no hunter [rather opposite in fact!] and don't do that much camping or outdoorsy things.
However, I do feel it slowly moulding into a 'wilderness' theme of sorts as I move onto obsessing over bears, feathers, deers, foxes and lumberjack items, but man-oh-man I certainly do have a lot of moose's.
So I beg you, someone please stop me. 

Friends, I'm curious.......what's your newest baby themed addiction?
.shop the moose items.
no.1: moose and arctic animal magnets from etsy shop, original animal magnet. how cute would these be to hang your little ones art on the fridge? damn cute if you ask me.  
no.2: okay, "making the moose out of life", seriously? i just love this sweet little book. from hatley
no.3: my favorite moose pajamas for baby t. from hearthsong [on sale!] or from hatley.
no.4: moose long-sleeved onesie from eeni meeni miini moh.
no.5: some cozy and comfy sweats from eeni meeni miini moh.
no.6: moose wood toy / teether from etsy shop, buddy and jojo. the perfect little teether for your little one  to chew on. cute toy too! 
no.7: possibly the coolest room decor item for your little one. from zgallerie.
no.8: cutest moose slippers around don'tcha think?! would be great for both the little and big people in the house. from etsy shop feltingbyeglut.
no.9: cute waffled baby onesie for those colder nights and days from joefresh. i just love what joefresh is putting out lately. i seriously think i own it all! no joke!

Also, On a completely different note....THANK you so much for all the kind comments on my previous post about our maternity pictures. We had such a great time taking them, our photographers were amazing, and we will cherish those pictures for a long, long time. I mean how can you not, when they document your little baby growing in your belly!?!
We totally felt the love...

Friday, August 31, 2012

.diy: pom-pom crib skirt tutorial.

I have another nursery related tutorial to show you all. The Easy Pom-pom Crib Skirt!
Initially was going to just buy a standard crib skirt, but after knowing how easy the diy crib sheets where, I figured I'd again take a crack at making my own. This also gave me the opportunity to customize them a little and put my own personal spin on it with those wicked cool pom-pom's.
Done and Done.
I'd consider this another check off the old baby to-do list :)
So here's how I made mine. Easy, Quick and Unique.
1] Get your supplies. You will need: 2 yards of fabric [for a standard sized crib], scissors, sewing machine, pom-pom thread [if that is even what it's called], measuring tape, pins, flat thumtacks, and an iron.
2] Measure your crib. You'll need three measurements and it'll probably be very similar to mine if you have a standard-sized crib. Length of the longest side [51.5 inches], Length of the two shortest sides [27.5 inches] and height when the mattress is at it's highest setting [20 inches].

3]  Cut your fabric. You'll be cutting out 3 rectangles of fabric [two short lengths and one long length. I didn't do the backside as my crib will be against the wall]. Add 2 inches to the height measurement so that you have room for the top of your fabric to wrap over the top of the mattress support beam. Add 1 inch to all the measurements for the seam.
  • One long rectangle length for the front. For me this was 52.5 inches x 23 inches [length of the long side, plus 1 inch seam allowance x height, plus 2 inches plus 1 inch seam allowance].
  • Two short rectangle lengths for the sides. For me, this was 28.5 inches x 23 inches [length of the short side, plus 1 inch seam allowance x height, plus 2 inches plus 1 inch seam allowance].
**I found this to be the hardest part of the whole project as you need to cut these panels straight. I used a bunch of pins and measured all the way around pinning every 2 inches or so and then cutting along the pins. Seemed to work pretty good.

4] Hem and sew sides. You will now need to iron and sew all four sides of each rectangle piece which is super easy. Turn up 1/2 inch on each side, iron that down and then sew. This will make your edges nice and clean.

5]  Be happy that you are almost finished. Turn it over and make sure it looks similar to this.

6] Attach your pom-pom ribbon. Now you'll need to secure your pom-pom ribbon by sewing it to the bottom edge of each of the three rectangle pieces. I just pinned mine at a couple spots and then sewed it onto the panels. Pretty darn easy.
Hint: When sewing the pom ribbon on, make sure the you follow the same hem as before so that you won't see two rows of thread.

7] Attach all panels to your crib. Now the fun part, attach each panel to the crib with flat thumbtacks. I have a crib with a wood support beam that I just pinned them too. If you have wire springs instead of a wood beam, at this point you'll have to sew a ribbon onto each corner of the panels and then tie them to the springs. I found a great tutorial by Christine, over at her blog Just Bella.

7] Put your Mattress back and high-five yourself on the back for a job well done! Or is that something that I just do? Either way, You're finished! Now you can go hide all those extra storage boxes of baby's clothes, diapers, books and toys.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

.cloth diapering.

....and some pictures that really have nothing to do with the context of this post. 
At least the polka's are cute.
This has been a pretty hot topic over at the Trebaczkiewicz household as of late. Do we or Don't we?
And it'll be a very boring topic to those not interested in the day-to-day of having a new baby in the house so please excuse this post, but for any mommy out there, I require a little of your help.

We've decided that we're going to try our hand at cloth diapering our little wee babe.

Now, I should point out before I get going, that we think it'll be best to keep the cloth diapering to the house and stick with disposables while out-and-about. Just the ease of not having to tote around dirty diapers appeals to me and I think it'll make things a little easier for us and others around us.

I should also mention that the idea of cloth diapering I find both scary and exciting. Scary because of the extra work involved, and exciting because of all the benefits that cloth diapers bring.

Benefits, such as, after the initial shock of paying for them, you should never again have to fork out for diapers thus saving big buckaroos. Then there's the benefits of being green. Saving the environment one poop at a time! I also personally think that the cloth diapers now-a-days are way cuter than disposables. They have changed so much since my mom was cloth diapering my little sister and I, and they come in all sort of fun colors and patterns.
Then there are the disadvantages. Things such as the extra laundry and time associated with CD. And having to deal with the 'dirties' [which I may have found a solution with disposable diaper liners!].
Now, since I'm a [almost] new mommy, I really have no clue about what I need or what brand will work best. It'll all be trial and error, so here's where you come in......Any mommies that have gone the cloth diapering route and can send me any tips or recommendations?

Here's what I've heard.....
TYPES: I've heard that the one-size kind [it grows with your baby with adjustable snaps] is great for extra absorbency and night time sleeps, however isn't great for a super snug fit which can cause leaks on an everyday basis. This is also great as an economical option as you only buy one diaper for your babies growing body.
All-in-One size cloth diaper - Itti Bitti
I've also heard that perfect fit or pocket size type diapers [sized exactly for your babies weight and cannot grow with your baby] are great for a snug fit, thus preventing less leaks and less bulk. These appeal to me greatly as I like things fitting properly and the idea of less leaks kinda nails it. The con is that you have to get a bunch of different sizes, which can cost a little more.
perfect fit cloth diaper - Fuzzibunz

NUMBERS: So, how many diapers would you recommend?
I heard for a newborn, which poops alot, you will need quite a few diapers in those first precious few months. If you think about it, on average a newborn eats every 2 hours, which basically means they poop every 2 hours. This roughly works out to 12 diaper changes per day.
So if I did laundry every day, I would need approximately 18 diapers!
Is this math correct?? Mommies help! How many did you need?

CLEANING: I also need help with cleaning methods.....what is your best way to clean them and dispose of the nasties? As I mentioned above, I heard of these disposable diaper liners that basically allow you to flush the solids down the toilet and then it's easy to throw in the wash. I guess this is the one thing I'm a little nervous about. ...Handling poop. Yuck. I don't want the smell floating around the house either, so I ask you, what's your secret methods? Do you store your dirty diapers in a closed diaper pail?

OR are we just crazy for trying this??

Monday, August 20, 2012

.loving: the wrap by solly baby.

[image via]
Sometimes when I find something that intrigues me I just have to share. And today, my friends, I am doing just that. It's a very cool product that I have been on the search for, to wrap up baby t in cuddles and love [and to be able to tote babe around safely], that seems like forever. It's called The Wrap by Solly Baby.
This bamboo/organic cotton wraps simply fold around momma or poppa's body and becomes a hands free baby carrier! It's lightweight and small, so easy to wear on those hot summer days and nicely folds up into your diaper bag not taking up too much space.
I also love how close this wrap allows you to be to your baby. It's like getting a big, sweet hug from your little one every time you wear it. Perfect for some momma/poppa bonding. And I couldn't think of a more sweeter way to tote around your little nugget.
Also they look just so darn cool. I'm totally partial to the grey/natural stripe myself.

And check out this sweet video The Wrap by Solly Baby has filmed. Makes me want to stroll through gardens and share a cup of tea with my girlfriends. All while snuggling my sweet little baby.
Here's the general idea, in case you need a visual...
*this post is not sponsored in any way. i just think these are really rad wraps.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

.baby things: Baby T's favorites.

The little peanut isn't even born yet, but here are some of it's favorite items that momma has picked up for it [and baby doesn't have a choice...their all it's favorite's because momma said so! i'm starting to boss early i guess! ha]
Just a mix of random things that I can't get enough of and that I can't wait for baby to wear/play/cuddle/read/use.

::Blabla Andiamo Dog [no.1] - I actually got three of these adorable critters for baby t [Licorice the dog & Mini Socks the Fox], but this is one of my favorites. He is soft, tall, cuddly and just so darn cute. I just know baby t will be totting this big guy around the house tucked snuggly under it's chubby little arm. 
Also side note: totally spotted this guy in the movie 'Friends with Kids'! Looks like baby t already has cool kid style!
::Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets [no.2] - These swaddle blankets have got to be one of my favorite purchases and maby because after I washed them, they seemed to get softer and softer! Maybe because I picked up the Bamboo versions? Who knows, but they are incredible and little baby t will have one cozy sleep all swapped up in them. I personally adore [and picked up] the Mela pattern, but have also purchased Diwali and now have my eye on Liam the Brave and B-Jeweled too! Now to teach the husband how to tuck + roll the little one in!
::Embryo Copenhagen [no.3] - This lovely little Etsy shop grabbed my eye after a long search for a cool pacifier clip. I wanted something unique, modern, not too bulky and uni-sex. The search was not as easy as it looked and then this little gem popped up! A very modern wool-felt pacifier clip! I love shopping and supporting small business [this shop is in Calgary! Awesome!] and when I received my custom order [she happily obliged to my color pattern] I was even more in love with how it looked and the quality of it. I now have my eye on purchasing the Earthy Newborn Baby [yellow|grey|brown] and Somewhere Over The Rainbow [a kaleidoscope of colors], as I'm sure we will need a couple of these lying around. Needless to say, I am in love with my clip and know it'll be perfect for little baby t.
::Joe Fresh Kids [no.4] - OMG, where do I even begin with Joe Fresh' new kids line? [for you American folks, keep your eyes peeled at your local JC Penny, apparently they will be stocking these lovely items soon!]. I have started quite the collection of Joe Fresh pieces for little baby t, even though I'm not sure if it's going to be wearing dresses or bow ties! I just can't help myself. I love the stripe sweater, the heart sweater, the dot sweater, and the moto jacket just to name a few pieces [and have picked up one of each!]. I figure at that price, I can pack away whatever doesn't get used this time around for perhaps the next! Awesome job Joe Fresh, this baby momma likes a LOT.
::Jennifer Adams Baby Board Books [no.5] - These baby/toddler books are simply the sweetest I have ever seen. The author takes classic stories and converts them to modern, learning hardcover books for children. Brilliant! I can't get over just how sweet they are and have purchased every single one of them [Jane Eyre | Pride & Prejudice | Romeo & Juliet | Alice in Wonderland]. I even pre-ordered the two new ones above [Dracula and A Christmas Carol] so that I can get my hands on them asap. 
::Gap Moccasin Bootie [no.6] - I have to give major props to Gaps new fall lines. I especially adore the entire Park House and Maine collections for Boys. Something about it just speaks to my kind of fall style: Warm, cozy sweaters [i bought this fair isle sweater and love it!]. Deep red and blue plaids [this may be my next purchase!]. Moccasins [i adore them so much and so will baby t!]. It all has me craving a little boy to dress. Although the Maine girls collection is pretty darn cute too!

Friday, August 3, 2012

.Baby Things: Play.

Just browsing the web, dreaming of baby.
[momma so cannot wait to play with you little one]
In wishes of not just propping my little babe in front of the tv [i literally cringe at the thought], I hope to surround it with imaginative and durable toys for hours and hours of play.
Here are some random cool toys currently out there.
no.1 | no.2 | no.3 | no.4 | no.5 | no.6 | no.7 | no.8 | no.9
note: I just got no.1 and am in utter love! Can't wait for little babe to love it to bits!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

.Baby Things: Current Baby Favorites.

While I know that my baby is already beyond spoilt [in both 'love' and 'things'] and it's not even here yet. I cannot help myself. I find myself sitting in my half finished nursery and seriously just pulling out item after item and fiddling with it all. Little things are just too darn cute. 

It's weird. I can totally see my little one smiling up at me in that cute little sweater, playing with that ridiculously cute bus, or walking in those tiny adorable shoes. It's like he/she is already here. And already so awesome.
These are all on my radar and are currently my new favorite baby items for both a boy and girl. Not all practical, but certainly cool. And I think these are all slowly falling into the "need" list.
sweater | bus | trainconverse | art print | blanket | backpack | bbq | robot | socks | sandals | green sweater

My pinterest account is overflowing in cool baby things, but I'm curious, what are you totally loving right now for your little one??

Friday, July 13, 2012

.Baby Things: Pj's + Onesies.

no 1 | no 2 | no 3 | no 4 | no 5 | no 6 | no 7 | no 8 | no 9 | no 10 | no 11

Just a few of my most favorite sleepers and onesies that I've picked up and that baby t will be sporting in October.
I tried to stay on the gender neutral side of things however these are slightly more on the 'boy scale' as it's easier to dress girls in boys clothes and not the other way around, but cute none-the-less.
And hasn't littlest treb got quite the pile of adorable wee goodies already?
I certainly think so :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

.Baby Things: Spoilt.

Just wanted to share some of the adorable things I've already picked up for our little one.
I just can't help myself! This is going to be one very spoilt little babe.
And it's a good thing we're keeping things gender neutral, or could you imagine the damage i could really do if i knew what this little lime is? Oh dear......
So friends, what's your favorite children's toy?

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

.Baby Things: Nursery Inspiration.

How cool is putting together a nursery?!?
I had no idea I would be this excited. It's like all I can think about these days.
[leaning towards a white white, a lighter grey, a rustier orange.....but you get the idea]
After scouring these here internet parts for inspiration [there will be no pink or baby blue in this house], I really think I'm leaning towards the following combo for baby t's nursery: grey/white/orange 
[and I might pull in a little blue/grey like above]
I feel that it's pretty gender neutral [since we're not finding out] and has a vintage-modern feel to it. I also fell in love with orange foxes recently and MUST find a way to incorporate them, without going tacky overboard [in other words, no themes for me]. I also love the idea of a pop of color in an otherwise basic color schemed room. So win win win.
Here's some pieces that will be finding their way into baby T's room at some point or another [unless I change my mind for the 1000th time!]
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13
1] The most perfect orange knitted throw.
2] The classic sheepskin rug to add warm to a room, without the expensive price tag.
3] A beautiful fresh simple white crib. The perfect baby crib for every room.
4] THE MOST PERFECT throw. With Foxes! This inspired the whole room, no joke.
5] A comfy and modern rocker. Looks good and feels good. win win.
6] The foot pouf. Probably in every nursery, and there's a reason for that. It just looks so cool.
7] A cute piggy bank. Looks cool and teaches little babe to save early on.
8] A fun print to hang in a white frame. And who doesn't love balloons.
9] A modern take on classic fairtales. The most perfect print to hang in babe's room. Perhaps a picture wall of white frames in cool prints?
10] The perfect place to store babe's essentials, and also big enough to put a change pad on top of it. Just need to swap out those knobs for some cool vintage ones.
11] A sweet little orange chubby bird pillow. Cute and cheery.
12] A wall of grey wallpaper to give it that 'something special'?.....OR
13] A wall of gold to make the room really POP?!?
What do you guys think??

And here's some other lovely inspiration boards that really got my heart pumping.
[thanks pinterest!]