Showing posts with label Fancy Giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fancy Giveaway. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2013

.fancy giveaway: red shoe crawl edmonton.

photo via heiko waechter
oh, my! you guys!! am i ever excited about this! the kind folks over at the red shoe society, a group who raises money for the ronald mcdonald house, sent me an email about sharing the word on this awesome charity event! 

on june 9th come join us on whyte avenue for the 3rd annual red shoe crawl all in support of the ronald mcdonald house. 

if you haven't heard about the red shoe crawl before, it really is an outstanding event and such an awesome way to spend the day on whyte ave! getting the full 'avenue' experience, at registration you receive a passport to visit various participating stores, which give you the opportunity to sample an array of signature appetizers and drinks [here is just a sample of some of the awesome vendors this year: tin box, ten thousand villages, mkt, the keg, naanolicious, food fighter, plaid giraffe, sabzy, famoso, marble slab, tutti frutti, crave cupcakes, cha island tea company, chianti's, and planet organic just to name a few!]. so fun, right?!?! tickets are $40 each and the best part - proceeds support the ronald mcdonald house.

i think it would make for a perfect unique family outing or even an afternoon date!

also - red shoes are optional, but i mean, in my opinion that's almost a must!
*now for the fun part! a giveaway!! the red shoe society has kindly donated 2 tickets to the red shoe crawl for one lucky fancy napkin reader! 
to enter:
**all you have to do is leave a comment below telling me your favourite daytime family outing or favourite daytime date outing!
extra entries:
***for an extra entry follow fancy napkin on facebook, twitter, or gfc [my blog] and leave a separate comment for each.
giveaway closes wednesday, june 5th and the winner will be chosen via random number generator.
good luck and hope to you see there!  

for more information or to pre-purchase tickets, visit here.
date: sunday, june 9th.
time: 1 -5 pm.
tix: $40 each.
location: mcintyre park whyte avenue

**also, in the giving mood yourself? the red shoe society are looking for volunteers to help with this event. if you're interested, please contact them at 

from edmonton? you seriously do not want to miss this! i know pete, jack and i will definitely be attending, red shoes and all :)

now, don't forget to leave a comment below to enter the giveaway!

Monday, October 1, 2012

.a fancy giveaway: green [CLOSED]


Oh man, I have been eyeing up that new pair of earrings (the liv drop for the last few hours!). So in love!


[Comments: 1 to 56]
Stella + Dot: Green giveaway  22Powered by RANDOM.ORG
 Please send me an email [] so I know where to ship them.
[And great choice!]

Friends! Want to win one of these?
Yeah, I thought so......and the best part, YOU GET TO CHOOSE YOUR FAV ITEM!!

So this lovely Monday, I decided to do a Fancy Giveaway to one of you lucky readers!
Maybe it's because it's my last day at work before maternity leave starts. Maybe it's because I haven't done a giveaway in a while. Maybe it's because I am feeling mighty generous. Or maybe it's just because I am loving this shade of green! But mostly it's because I just love you guys all so much!
So don't be's how you enter [it's super easy!]:
1] You must "Follow" Fancy Napkin via google friend connect [don't know how? click the 'join this site' button and follow the's under the "Follow Me" section over on the right hand side].
2] "Leave a comment" telling me which one of the three items above you would like to win.
For Additional Entries [the more entries, the better chances of winning!]
3] "Like" Fancy Napkin on Facebook [click here] and then leave a separate comment below telling me you did.
4] "Follow" Fancy Napkin on Twitter [click here] and then leave a separate comment below telling me you did.

*Open to residents of Canada and the US. Winner will be drawn on Monday, October 8th [Baby's Due Date! Yeah!!] so make sure to check back to see if you've won :), Good Luck!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

.Win Me. [CLOSED]

Guess what time it is?
It's giveaway time! 
My little New Year's present to TWO Fancy Napkin readers!!
{and also because you all know how much I adore Stella & Dot, I figure now it's your turn to bask in all it's glory!}
I had an extra one of these sexy green leather layering bracelets lying around, which I was originally going to give away at my next Stella & Dot party, but since I love you guys so much, I figured what the hell. One of you can have it and layer it and we can be TWINSIES!! {apparently shit girls say}
Then, I came across this gorgeous cocktail ring and decided that it too should enter this little giveaway.
So it did, and you will LOVE it. And hopefully give it a good home. It truly can go with everything.
{and it adjusts to all finger sizes! how cool is that?}
 To enter, you must do both of the following:
1} Be a Follower of my blog* AND
{and I only ask this because I want to give these as a Thank You to Fancy Napkin readers only}
{*if you don't know how to do this, just check out the bottom of this post for directions}
2} Leave a comment below telling me which one you would like to win 
{also include your email address in the comment}
{doesn't guarantee you'll win that one, but it helps your chances}
The winner will be drawn using random number generator based on your comment number below. 
Then check back Monday, Jan. 9th to see if you're one of the lucky winners!!
Good Luck to my New Stella & Dot wearing Babes!!!
1} Click on the "Join this Site" which is located on the right hand side of the blog under the FOLLOW ME section. Then click "Create a new Google Account". Then just put in your email address that you already have {it doesn't have to be hotmail or yahoo, just use what you have} and pick a password. Done.