Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts

Sunday, October 13, 2013


just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a very happy [canadian] thanksgiving! i know i'm already down one turkey dinner, with 3 more looming before me, which i am both incredibly thankful and incredibly excited for. things just don't get much better than a houseful of loving family and a belly full of turkey. 

in saying that, today i sit here thinking of this exact time last year. i was 10 months pregnant, over due by a 5 days and just ready to meet our sweet, jack. he, in his usual fashion, was late to the party and although we were surrounded by family i remember thinking we were missing one vital piece of that puzzle. our boy. 
now, this thanksgiving, he is here. and almost a year old! goodness! but everything feels so damn right. and so damn great. and i, for one, am so damn happy and thankful for all of it. each and every day i thank god for that little beautiful boy and all the joy he brings me. for my beautiful husband. for my beautiful family. for my beautiful friends. for it all. 

i hope you get to spend a few minutes being thankful for something that brings joy to your life. something that makes life beautiful.