Showing posts with label Turntable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Turntable. Show all posts

Thursday, August 1, 2013

.turntable: passenger.

this rendition of 'let her go' by passenger is out of this world good. what a voice. and even though it's nothing new, i can't seem to get enough of this song lately.
a favourite for sure.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

.turntable: whitehorse.

daddy got home yesterday and we are soooo very happy. it's been wonderful to hug and kiss and play and just be a family.

also, we cannot stop listening to this album by a band is called whitehorse. it is ridiculously good and i seriously think i have a little crush on both the lead singers, boy and girl. [and fun fact: they're married! yay]

here's currently my two favourite's [i can't decided which one i like best] on an album of favourtites. it's seriously so good.
whitehorse: 'no glamour in the hammer'
whitehorse: 'devil's got a gun'
so good, right?!

Monday, April 15, 2013

.turntable: jake bugg.

it's been quite some time since i've posted a new song that has this house moving and grooving, so i figured it was time to get my act together. and what better a way to jump back in than with the young man that i nicknamed my son after, slightly.
jake bugg.
i saw him in concert 10 days after jack was born and when i got home that night my own jack bugg was born [rhetorically speaking].
also, he has just the coolest sound and he's only 19 years old.
::two fingers, jake bugg.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

.turntable: stompa.

This song has this big pregnant momma moving and dancing all over this house in seriously awkward ways. So it's pretty safe to say that I kinda can't wait for this new album to come out in full [Nov.13th!].
Serena Ryder. 
album: Harmony.
song: Stompa.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


This song has been playing around these parts quite a bit lately.
Hope you Enjoy.
by Ben Howard. Keep Your Head Up

Friday, January 13, 2012


Cut Copy. Blink and You'll miss a revolution
Yeah, this is my newest favorite song.  Like, this is nothing to joke about. I actually ADORE this song!
Non-stop repeat.
Husband I actually dance around our house to this. Together. Really it's more like bopping around, but still. We do it together. And it's kinda cute. And we're usually a little tipsy, but what can you do!?
And how funny is this video. It kills me.

Monday, November 28, 2011

.A Very Awesome Xmas CD.

Music Monday has been severely lacking latetly....I am sorry.
So here's a Jolly Good Tune to warm your ears.
A Very She & Him Christmas.
{entire album. so excellent!}
Have yourself a Very Merry Christmas
Watch from youtube....

Monday, September 19, 2011

.Music Monday.

Yeah, sorry. I've been slacking on the music monday's.
So here's a current favorite playing around the Trebaczkiewicz parts.
People Talkin'
Lucinda Williams

Monday, August 29, 2011

.Music Monday.

A new one from my ABSOLUTE favorite musician on this planet.
Album is out in October, and is titled 'Ashes & Fire'.
Lucky Now
by Ryan Adams

Monday, August 22, 2011

.Music Monday.

This week's selection is a simply Beautiful Song.
Enough said.
"Laughing With"
 by Regina Spektor

Monday, August 8, 2011

.Music Monday.

This song, I got off Big Gunns {yet again}. Girl, you know music.
His voice is magic.
And this song is magic.
Warning: You are about to be very attracted to a sexy Ginger. {and he's not Prince Harry}
Ed Sheeran
Song: "Wayfaring Stranger"

Super good right?

Monday, July 25, 2011

.Music Monday.

In honor of our 1st 'anni' yesterday, I just had to play our wedding song.
And it just so happens that he also happens to be my absolute most favorite artist. Ever. Period.
And this song still happens to stop me dead in my tracks. 
Ryan Adams
"When the Stars go Blue"

dancin' where the stars go blue
dancin' where the evening fell
dancin' in your wooden shoes
in a wedding gown

dancin' out on 7th street
dancin' through the underground
dancin' little marionette
are you happy now?

where do you go when you're lonely?
where do you go when you're blue?
where do you go when you're lonely?
i'll follow you
when the stars go blue

laughing with your pretty mouth
laughing with your broken eyes
laughing with your lover's tongue
in a lullabye

where do you go when you're lonely?
where do you go when you're blue?
where do you go when you're lonely?
i'll follow you
when the stars go blue

Monday, July 18, 2011

.Music Monday.

My buddy, Andrea, gets all the cred on this music monday pick.
I am just so happy that she sent it to me. Thank you Woman.
This song is:
100% pure happiness. 100% awesome. 100% totally rad. 100% oozing with coolness.
I love it so much in fact, that it surpassed my original pick for this week. Seriously, it is that good.
It makes me bop my head back and forth, till I get a headache. Actually, {*disclaimer} don't listen to this song if you fear this. Your head will bop. Non.Stop. And you may get a Headache.
The music video is utterly genius as well. The aerobics dance scene kills me {I MUST learn that dance}, and I now have a serious crush on the lead singer. That hair, those dimples, the smile, the moves. It's all really too much for me.

Take a gander {but he's mine.....}
Band: Walk the Moon 
Song: "Anna Sun"

Monday, July 11, 2011

.Music Monday.

Ohh Ohh Ohh. Husband found a new doozy of a Band!
You are sooo gonna enjoy them.
I am in love.
Rural Alberta Advantage
{song:} Tornado '87

Just cause I'm in Toronto is no excuse to miss music monday!

Monday, July 4, 2011

.Music Monday.

Missed last week, so I'm going to do an album today for Music Monday.
It's not a new album or artist, but it does happen to be one of my personal favorites. And I basically love the entire album. I can croon out almost every song at the top of my lungs and this usually happens when I'm cleaning for whatever reason. Guess that's "my time to shine", ha.
Hope you love it too.
Serena Ryder
Album: "It is OK"

Monday, June 20, 2011

.Music Mondays.

Husband and I have an AWESOME pick for Music Monday today!
It's a new hit from our very, very talented friend, Chips {aka. Mike C.}
We love you Buddy and couldn't be Prouder!
'DOPE MUSIC', by Chips

Also want to mention that Chips, has made it to the Airwaves! WSCR RADIO in Harlem, NY has added DOPE MUSIC to their Rotation!

Monday, June 13, 2011

.Music Mondays.

So this week's selection was inspired from a friend of mine. She actually found it, and shared it. I fell in love, and am now sharing it too.
It's a cover on a classic. And I'm sure you'll recognize it immediately.
Great find Miss Erin. aka. Big Guns. Great find. 
'You're the One that I want', by Angus & Julia Stone (Rolling Session #12)

Monday, June 6, 2011

.Music Mondays.

You may recognize this song from a pretty cool commercial that's been playing recently.
A Heineken commercial to be correct.
A catchy little beat, that always grabs my attention, and when I found out that it's an actual band, I was pretty, pretty, pretty excited.
The band is from Denmark and the female's voice is just so damn awesome.
The Golden Age
by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour

Monday, May 30, 2011

.Music Mondays.

Husbands Turn.
This was His find. His selection. And His new favorite album of the moment {he seriously listens to this non-stop}. He also has a serious crush on the lead female singer. But, I have a feeling YOU might too.
It's Florence Welch {yes, the Florence from 'Florence + the Machine'}, with her old band: 
And they are very, very, very gooood. 
And they look pretty cool too. Like, 'I'd be lucky to hang out with them' cool.
So to pick up Music Monday's beat a little, here is Mr. Husband's new Favorite find:
'Slow Tune', by Ashok

'Sunday', by Ashok

Monday, May 23, 2011

.Music Monday.

'Happy Rainy Music Monday'.
Or 'Happy Victoria Day', to all you fellow Canadians.
This week's music selection may just knock your socks off. Mine flew. Fact.
They are GoooooD!
I really do think you are going to be blown away by this band, and all the super cool members in it. Check out the video, she actually tap dances on a bucket! So rad.
Love them. So. Much.
"How'm I Gonna Get Back Home Tonight", by He's my Brother She's my Sister