Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts
Showing posts with label instagram. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

.monthly tables.

i was browsing around anthropologie a month ago when i came across this amazing calendar of illustrated tables of food from around the world and i immediately thought of my mother-in-law and all the amazing dishes she could teach us to make! and hence monthly tables was born!

each month she and i will get together and spend the day cooking unique foods featured from that region. for example, january's table features the country france! yum!

i plan on adding all the recipes here in detailed form, but also adding a few on my instagram account and then getting those printed off with a chatbooks or something and making a mini cookbook! if you follow me there you may have already seen a few recipes pop up in my feed last month, as i'm a little late posting this here, but i'll spend the week playing catch up to february and all it's deliciousness ;)

so to start things off, here we go! January = France.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

.fancy napkin on instagram, june 2014.

life has been crazy busy lately. i know that's probably obvious or because from time to time i might whine a little about it, but i really don't know where the time has flown by. i ask myself daily how i am already 5 1/2 months pregnant? it just can't be true! 
then i remember. i'm still working full time in my day job. managing a house and 20 month old toddler. working tireless hours on 'the skinny'. doing my maid-of-honor duties like organizing a out-of-town stagette for my sister. and also a bridal shower. selling our rental property. car shopping. oh yeah, and brewing twins in my belly. 
and that my friends, is why i love instagram. daily snippets of life for a busy momma who definitely has 'baby brain' forgetting the beautiful daily small things. come follow along
here's life lately.
from left to right. 
top: attending our nieces petting zoo birthday party || snuggles for dada [and a whole lot of love] || hot tubbing in kelowna for the bride-to-be with a great group of girls
middle: stagette planning and party prep [assembling the welcome gift bags] || a recent photoshoot break from capturing 'the skinny' to document my growing bump with the incredible els photography and my handsome hubby || a family selfie
bottom: getting the opportunity to finally 'meet' some amazing ladies in my internet world [cindy, caitlin and sara] || a winery baby bump picture at quails gate in kelowna || a sneak peek into our upcoming project 'the skinny' with meg and our littlest assistant jack
**middle photo by meg henderson for els photography

Thursday, December 5, 2013

.fancy napkin on instagram.

i sometimes forget that not everyone is on instagram and as addicted to it as i am. which is quite funny as i just joined myself recently. that being said here are a few things that have been going on around these fancy napkin parts that deserve a little update.
we celebrated jack's 1st birthday with a lumberjack theme || playing with new birthday presents after everyone went home || a little outfit-of-the-day inspiration, and loving my new leather skirt from h&m || my first [of many] christmas stocking hauls || brunch with my two favourite boys at cafe bicyclette located in the building peter and i where married, bonus! || more brunch snaps, this time with my boy and i || grammy and jack, two peas in a pod || walking the 'all is bright' on 124 street, and freezing our butts off || handsome little fur baby 

how jack and i spend most mornings, pushing buttons on the washer || bath time fun || when jack kindly ripped up all my beloved christmas flyers [:(], guess he takes after his father with hating those things || trimming the tree with lights || another morning ritual, playing panda || and this boys newest funny face. i adore this squishy-nosed face so much || jack lounging on his 'couch'. and he does it so well || our h&m ad in today's parent magazine. so cool to finally see it in print. beyond awesome experience and memories to last forever || this kid hates his snowsuit. i think his face here really says it all

and don't forget to follow me for daily updates [click here]. hey! you never know what that crazy kid of mine might do next, because he's just so darn rad. and i guess there may be a tad about peter and i too....

Monday, September 23, 2013

.fancy napkin on instagram.

yep, i've finally entered into the realm of a real[-ish] blogger. i got an iphone and instagram all in one day. and my gosh! what have i been waiting for?! instagram has quickly enveloped all my free time this last week and i am completely enamoured!!!
what a great way to show our simple day-to-day details and i can't wait to look back on them a year from now and reminisce.
here's what my first week on on instagram looked like. 
me and the boy, just hanging out together at home. how i'll miss these moments, just the two of us, when i head back to work || melissa and bryan's amazing wedding invitation and my happy mail day. we leave in a month to san diego for these festivities and cannot wait! || this boy and that hair. jack freshly napped and wanting out. he just looked so darn cute that momma just had to snap a picture!
|| outfit-of-the-day, aka: ootd. loving my new mustard jeans and camo sweater [found in the men's department] || me and this boy at oliver's first birthday picnic. he's just my favourite || announcing our win for the h&m fashion family contest. we'll be in the december issue of today's parent magazine!!!
|| sunday brunching with my two favourite people || three ikea prints that found their way to our house || out with some fabulous ladies for gilly + rob's engagement party

and if you want to follow along on a daily basis, you can find me under [or just click here!]