Saturday, June 16, 2012

.Pimpin' Lemonade.

Oh, can you see my excitement when I spotted this gorgeous print for sale here.
Now, beyond the fact that I love lemonade on it's own, look at these lovely concoctions that you can brew up right at home! Ideas that makes your lemonade just one step fancier and perfect for our patio / deck season. I know we'll be serving some of these bad boys up at our next gathering.
Also, don't you think this print would be perfect for a sunny bright breakfast nook or hanging over a bar cart?
Pimpin' Lemonade
A How to Guide.
one] add some mint leaves
two] add freshly grated ginger
three] add a few drops of orange blossom water
four] mix in some rosebuds
five] dilute with ice cold tea instead of water
six] add a cinnamon stick
seven] dilute with 1/2 water and 1/2 orange juice
eight] mix and match out of the combo's above
Now, go out and pimp some lemonade!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Guest Post: Bookishly Boisterous.

I'm kinda excited for you Fancy Napkin readers today. I somehow suckered one of my favorite book bloggers to guest post for me while I am away, and she did not dissapoint one little bit. THANK YOU Christine!
I laughed my way through this entire post and think you may find her just as charming as I do. 
So ladies and gent's, let me introduce you to my pal, Christine from Bookishly Boisterous [she's seriously one cool chick]. Here's her take on Summer Reading.
If you ask 86%* of people what they’re planning on reading this summer they’ll respond with either The Hunger Games or Fifty Shades of Grey… or both. Where’s the originality? While I have nothing against a good competition or some quality time in the sack (bowchickabowwow), I do have something against wasting away your summer without reading at least one piece of semi-quality literature. Friends, I am here to help.  In order to better assist you, please take the following quiz below- eyes on your own paper, number-two pencil (I’m an English teacher, sorry):

This summer, your cocktail of choice will be:
    • Something icy, brightly colored, and served with an umbrella
    • A lemon drop or Long Island
    • A nice glass of wine or a seasonal beer
    • Whiskey, scotch, or cognac

While frolicking on the beach, your bod will be clad in:
    • Bikini, baby!
    • A one piece, but still super low cut and a fun color
    • Something made out of seersucker or linen, and probably a cool hat
    • A suit, in the shade, while smoking a cigar

What are you listening to while you work on that tan?
    • Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Rhianna
    • Foster the People, Cold Play, Maroon 5
    • Radiohead, The Shins
    • You really shouldn’t listen to music while you read

So what are your vacation plans exactly?
    • Poolside in Vegas/Cabo/Miami
    • Palm Springs, South Beach, San Diego
    • Seattle, San Francisco, Ireland
    • Wherever there are museums
Mostly As:
There’s a good chance you may be distracted this summer, whether by margaritas or lifeguards. Good for you! But still, that’s no excuse not to read something above the eighth grade reading level. Consider:
Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn: While this book should absolutely be read at the satirical level, it's separated into 1-2 page letters, so it's easy to read in sections pr put down to rescue little Jimmy from the deep end (or do shots with the fun college kids who make you feel old). The novella is about what happens to a small island when their government stops letting them use certain letters of the alphabet. 

Bridget Jones’ Diary by Helen Fielding: Original chic lit! If you didn’t get around to it when it first came out in the 90s you should definitely give it a go now. It’s fun without being too shallow.

Mostly Bs
You’re definitely embracing the vacation mentality, but are still hesitant to get completely Girl’s Gone Wild (because, you know, that’s exactly how I’d describe Ella Minnow Pea). You’re there to have fun, but not quite ready to completely relinquish your serious side.  Try:

The Thieves of Manhattan by Adam Langer: This book about the publishing world is a face-paced mystery that pokes fun at the business while not taking itself too seriously. The main characters are well-written and the plot is perfectly paced.

The Family Fang by Kevin Wilson: This quirky book is entertaining and unique- it tells the story of the Fang family, who cause public disturbances for the sake of art. Their two children grow up to be a bit dysfunctional and are brought together for an unconventional adventure.
Mostly Cs
You’re too cool and smart for drunk (but really fun) pool party folks, but not quite hardcore enough to swear off summer vacationing completely. Suggestions:

Tortilla Curtain by TC Boyle: I find a way to get this on most of the lists I generate, just because I think it is a culturally important book (which you care about if you chose all Cs).  This novel tackles immigration, class, and even gender in one controversial, well-written package. No matter what your viewpoints are, you will be represented in this book.

Big Machine by Victor Luvalle: I always struggle to describe this novel, so I’ve settled on “spiritual, urban, intellectual  sci-fi.” At the heart of it is the message that we have to know ourselves, and in order to do so you have to be willing to accept bigger, better, and scarier things (not necessarily God, don’t fear my atheist amigos). 
Mostly Ds
I love D people- I picture them in tweed jackets (with patches) sitting at a table surrounded by scantily clad people at beach cafes, shaking their heads in disgust. Nothing says serious like ordering a cognac when everyone else is enjoying a Mai Tai! For you people (who I highly doubt need my suggestions):

Ulysses by James Joyce: I have to admit to never having read this, although I’ve been having the urge to. Of course you’d read the Odyssey first, since Ulysses mirrors it. But you knew that. Epic journey commence!

Crime and Punishment by Fydor Dostoevsky: This is one of my favorite novels of all time. At the heart of the novel is the idea of selfishness and then, naturally, guilt, and what that emotion will do with a person when control has been surrendered to the feeling. 
For more suggestions you can of course stop on by my blog, Bookishly Boisterous. Thanks for reading and thanks to Erinn for asking me to guest post (aren’t we all crazy jealous of her right now?)

Happy reading!

*Statistics completely and utterly made up 

See what I mean? Head on over to her blog to follow for daily updates or for a dose of witty humor. I know it's one of my first stops each morning. Thanks again Christine!

ps. I came in tied as a B & C person [currently rocking a one piece and listening to a little Coldplay, wish I was sipping some red wine, and just visited Ireland], but I so desperately wish I was a D person. Sigh, my tweed jacket and cognac will have to wait.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

.23 Weeks.

I wanted to take a break today from my travels to give my little babe some love. I forgot in the hustle-and-bustle of Europe to mention some big baby news that we had the week before we left.
We had our 20 week ultrasound and although that was 3 weeks ago, things are good.
Very good indeed.
Our little babe was weighing just under 1 pound [11 ounces to be exact] and about 11 inches, which is considerable growth since our last ultrasound at the 12 week mark. And all looks healthy and normal. Which is great! 
We got to see it's little heart fluttering away, as well as check out all its developing bones [which got me especially excited at seeing its little skeleton feet [weirdly cute, but i am truly biased]. Those darn machines are just incredible at what you can see.
Also, I finally felt baby t kick just after my 19 week post! Well, now a bunch of good little thumps. And a lot of fluttering, but it has got to be the coolest thing I've experienced yet. 
And YES, this is the point where we can actually find out BOY or GIRL.
But we didn't!!
Instead, I asked for a sealed envelope with the news of our sweet little peanut inside of it. And then husband had to hide it from me because who am I kidding? If I had full access to it, it wouldn't make it home in once piece. So at this point in time, it's still 'little baby t'.
Interested in my guess? 
I am, and have been from day one, convinced that I am brewing up a little Peter Jr. 
Just a deep down jut feeling. Maybe my mama intuitions kicking in? Maybe my nerves? Maybe because a girl I know how to handle, but a boy scares the bejeesus outta me and this is my way of prepping myself? Who knows. But I am convinced it's a boy.
So onto learning how to play cowboys and ninja's. And working Cowabunja into my vocabulary.
Also, I'm totally curious.......what do you think, Boy or Girl?
at twenty-three weeks:
::i'm growing a teeny-tiny bit. apparently only 4 lbs weight gain thus far [but i lost 5 lbs last month, so this is an improvement]
::i am feeling major thumps in there. sort of like the tickle monster now resides inside my belly.
::i am loving the sun on face. hello greece!
::i'm craving ice cream like crazy. love these gelato's!
::also would love a slurpee.
::i finally found a great pair of dark maternity jeans. this has been harder to find than expected.
::i'm honoured to have attended our besties wedding. it was baby t's first big event and although i was tired near the end, we held up pretty well. and i think the bridesmaid dress faired pretty well with the bump.
::i'm looking forward to this sleeping-in thing. it's much needed.
::my backache has sub-sided and is all but gone, which is surprising and welcomed.
::baby t also attended it's first concert. coldplay in manchester was a huge hit and it fluttered around all night inside of me. must be a music lover like it's father.
::enjoying pregnancy and all it's highs's and lows'.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Oswestry, England.

Oswestry, England.
The birth place of the Bride. 
A small quant town located near the Welsh border [seriously a 5 minute drive to Wales]. We arrived safely, which was a surprise considering that I drove. On the other side of the road. Manual transmission. With no directions, GPS, or guidance. All me. 
It was a nerve racking experience, and although the drive from the Ferry through Wales was absolutley the most stunning drive I've ever taken, it's one that I never want to personally drive again. I would gladly sit passenger anytime, but driving is out. That was scary.
Proof. Right-sided driving. 
Once we arrived in Oswestry, we joined the bride and groom at a Welcome Fish & Chips party. It was great to meet everyone and helped to get our minds on the upcoming nuptials. It was also so nice for me to see my best's hometown and put some faces to names from all the stories I've heard over the years.
Over the next couple of days, we filled it with a few wedding prep details [although we got off our duties pretty lightly as the bride is super organized - yay Fi!], walked around the beautiful super-friendly small town, and visited with old and new friends. Peter and the boys also shared in a few more pints....Big surprise.
 Oh and we attended a certain spectacular Wedding ;)
The weather wasn't the best during our stay, but the spirits where high. It rained each day and we really got a feel for what the English go through. We bought an umbrella. Our friends bought rain boots. And our suitcases got heavier from the damp, wet air.
I may have had [did have] one day of grumpiness, but when you go non-stop for a 10 days straight it'll get to a pregnant lady. Besides that, all in all, a pretty cool vacation thus far and I am feeling great.
Greece [the island of Santorini to be exact] is next up on the agenda. And man-oh-man, you should see where I'm blogging from. It's pretty spectacular. Hello beaches and a ton of sun!
ps. tomorrow is going to be 36 degress C here in Santorini. If I don't come back with some sort of a tan,  I give you permission to definitely mock me.
A park in Oswestry.
Raining, but happy with his coffee.
Raining, but happy with my umbrella.
And Happy in the Rain. Together.

Us girls [fi and i] at the Fish & Chips Welcome party.
A spot of tea.
Getting out of the rain to warm up. And drenched to the core.
Wedding Rehearsal. The whole gang.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

.Dublin, Ireland.

Just enjoying a cone in the Temple Bar area.
Oh sweet Ireland. 
After finally meeting back up with my husband last Sunday [i kinda missed him like crazy in Scotland. And I missed his muscles to carry my suitcase even more ;) ], we boarded a ferry and headed for Ireland. Dublin to be exact.
The pictures in this post will have to speak for themselves as I have to keep this short, but needless to say 'That place has something about it'.
We did the Jameson Distillery tour, visited the Temple Bar area where the boys sipped on some Guiness, ate Irish stew, enjoyed a lot of sight-seeing, toured Dublin Castle, and did some shopping.
Irish Ferry ride.
Just a little shopping.
Enjoying a pint.
Stopping for a beverage.
Self portrait at Dublin Castle.
Dublin Castle
Sight-seeing and getting [a little] lost.
On another note, yesterday we attended Mr. and [now] Mrs. Ellington's wedding and it was pretty darn special.
Everything about it was beautiful. The place, the bride, the people who attended. Gosh, there sure was a lot of love in that room.
So happy for them.