Monday, December 5, 2011

.Who I am.

Who I Am...

I am...29 years old. and happy.
I travel the world.
I want...a baby.
I have...a wickedly funny husband. and a wonderful life.
I hate...onions!
I fear...jellyfish. like majorly.
I hear...silence. its a very quiet house now. 
I search...for creativity in all things.
I wonder...what my future children will look like {i hope they have husband's cute nose}
I regret...nothing because I am where life wants me to be.
I husband. more than anything.
I ache...when I see an animal without a home.
I always...say what's on my mind. and it sometimes gets me into trouble.
I before bed every night. currently enjoying The Night Circus.
I am not...going to change who I am for anyone. i sort of like me.
I dance...with husband late late at night. usually after a couple of drinks....
I sing...but not well {you do not want to be in my car when 'Tornado 87' comes on}
I never...go to bed with makeup on. and you shouldn't either.
I sometimes...think red-ish brown hair would look nice on me.
I crave...gummy bears. and slurpees {aka. slushie's}.
I know...that life isn't always perfect, but it's pretty darn fun living it.
I cry...everytime I think of my grandpa norm. i miss him. a lot. {also of my bella}
I am not always...rational.
I tickle fights with my husband. seriously. it happens.
I am people who don't like animals {what don't you like about unconditional love?!}
I stop listening to negative people. weed out the garden, so to say.
I should...never stop trying.

Who Are You?

.And the winner is.

MAC Lipgloss WINNER:
Congrat's Christine!! Send me an email at and I will grab all your mailing information!!

Also, big Thanks to everyone else for reading :)

Stay tuned.....more christmas giveaways to come!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

.Again, Thank you.

I am truly overwhelmed and bursting with mush over all your sweet comments of support.
In a time that's certainly been hard for both peter and I, we have both felt so much love.
The world of blogging is truly a magical place, and I just wanted to say Thank you all so very much for making a piece of my day better.
New friends, that I've never met face-to-face, sharing wishes of support and care is a very powerful thing, and I just want to say that you all have hearts of gold {mushy, I know. but true}
I also wanted to give a shout out to those friends and family that I do see've been amazing.
True friends really show up when you need them the most.
From sending flowers, text messages, and phone calls. It's helped. And we love you.
{Stephanie + Mr. Rob: Your flowers are gorgeous and a bright spot in our quiet home. You both are just lovely people}.

The past couple of days have been up and down, and haven't been the easiest, but I have can honestly say that I have enjoyed your comments so very much.
So, for that, New and Old Friends.....
.thank you.
Also, it's the last day to join in on my Fancy please check out here for more details. The winner will be drawn tomorrow.
It's so refreshing to do something Happy this week. So I am super excited to find out who I'm mailing these too :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

.my girl, a letter to you.

My Bella,

Yesterday I lost my best buddy. You. 
As I sit here this morning and cry, I keep thinking that you are going to pop your sweet little red head around the corner to give me some love. You really hated to see me cry. I keep thinking you are going to push your cold, wet nose into my hand for a head rub and a snuggle. You really loved mornings, it was when you were most cuddly. And we cuddled so many mornings. My sweet red haired ginger and I.
Well, it's morning. And you're not here....

You and I really were two peas in a pod. I think I spent the most time with you out of anyone. Taking walks, sharing food -  you really loved to eat my meal most, cuddling on our bed, watching chick-flicks when your poppa had to work late at night, allowing me to play photographer with you, listening to me vent when I was upset {I think people thought I was crazy talking to a dog, but I really think you 'got it'}, and of course your favorite - playing catch - actually, you liked your dad best for that one {which secretly made me so happy. You and he playing together. It was precious}. You really just knew how to hang out with me and I don't think I ever realized just how much your presence meant to me till now. 

I honestly don't think I've cried so much in my entire life. I haven't really felt loss before with the exception of my grandfathers, but I was still so young then, and this just feels different. You were my girl. My baby. We were together almost 24/7. My heart was not prepared for this. I feel empty, hollow, and raw. I miss you.

I do however, know that we made the right decision. You were in pain and suffering, and I just couldn't put you through that. I know you were holding on for our sakes, and that wasn't fair to make you feel like you needed to be the strong one. But that was what you always were, the strong one. The one that made our little family so much better than it was before. So much stronger. So much more love.

Bella, you will forever be in our hearts. I will never stop missing my sweet ginger pup. It will be in quiet moments, like when I am sitting on the couch that I will remember you looking up at me from the floor with your sweet chocolate eyes after you have rested your head on my leg, or when 4 pm comes around and it was your favorite - feeding time! Or when your dad and I argue over something silly, I will remember how just the presence of you would calm us down. And when those glorious mornings arrive and you just want some real love cuddles. I will always remember those moments. 

You, my bella girl, will always be a part of my sunny mornings. And I love you for that.

Be safe my girl. I love you.

My Beautiful Girl.
Getting some love from your Poppa. xo
...and some love from momma.
Bella. xo. My sweet ginger girl.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

.My First Fancy Giveaway.

Just as the post title reads, this my friends, is my very First Fancy Giveaway!!
Can I get a Whoo Hoo!!
These MAC limited edition lip glosses could be yours to keep!
Aren't they just lovely?!?!
I wanted to send a huge THANK YOU to all the Fancy Napkin readers, new and old, and I hope you enjoy this giveaway as much as I am going to enjoy giving it to one of you!
{and who doesn't enjoy a little MAC love every now and again?}
I personally think that these are the best colors out of MAC's new Holiday line in the lip gloss department {or rather Dazzleglass and Cremesheen glass lips department} and I am super excited to give this little duo away to one lucky Fancy Napkin reader!!
{and remember! you can only get these colors in a pack at Christmas!}
Here I've modelled the coral lip gloss to entice you to hopefully enter
{and not to worry, this is my OWN personal lip gloss modelled here....yours will be shiny and brand-spanking new!}     
Here's what you have to do to Enter:
1. 'Follow' me on my blog {for all my current follower's, your names will be automatically entered}, and then I will do a random # draw.

***For those of you not sure how to do that, it's really easy, just click on the 'Join this Site' under the FOLLOW ME section and then 'Create a new Google Account'. Then just put in your email address that you already have {it doesn't have to be a hotmail or yahoo account, just use what you have} and then pick a password, and TA-DAH!
Pretty Easy right?
I will draw the winner Monday, December 5th. So make sure you check back here to see if you've won. 
Good Luck Friends and Thanks for reading!!!