Thursday, March 8, 2012

.Nail Polish.

I admit it. I have got to be the World's hardest person ever on their nails.
My hands are dainty and small, and as my grandmother would say "Perfectly girlish", but the poor suckers get beat up to no avail. And it shows on my nails.
I moisturize. I groom. I even change up my polish every week, but the second I do something....BAM. 
A nail chips. A nail cracks. A nail gets broken.
And don't get me wrong, this post sounds like I am some girly-girl all worried about her nails.....but I'm not. Rest assured. I just wish I had a solution to this problem because, frankly, it sucks. There is nothing I hate more than doing my nails over-and-over again.
Any suggestions?
And in the meantime, while I hate just re-pinning pinterest pictures [it feels lazy], check out all these cool nail combo's popping up for spring.
I am in awe. Now does anyone want to come over and paint them for me?


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

.But then again, Baby Boys have such cute loot too.

Like I said yesterday, their sure are a lot of cute things for baby girls out there, but people! Times have changed in the Boy department too!
Check out all these adorable little baby boy items. Now, can you honestly say that girls are more fun to shop for?
Can you?
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

.Baby Girls sure are fun to shop for.

This Saturday was a busy one. Just the way I like 'em.
We attended a baby shower, a birthday [happy birthday marc!] and an awards banquet all in one day.
And although we thoroughly enjoyed each, what really had me surprised was this:
Shopping for baby girl.
Because holy-dyna, there sure are a LOT of cute baby girl items out there. How do you choose?
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Friday, March 2, 2012

.Happy Six.

Some little things that made the past couple of weeks especially happy.

new boots from my lover. he said they will help make me look more funky.

a day with my foxy momma. enough said.

a big bag of sour soothers. the original kind.

{very!} thoughtful gifts from a lovely lady. thank you miss fi.

beautiful cakes from the 'enjoy centre's' prairie bakery.

fresh flowers from my hubby that keep hanging on weeks later.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

.Right Now.

:: pondering what this time next year will bring.
:: marvelling at how much I am finally starting to settle in and feel like this house is my home. only 3 years later.
:: revisiting old recipes from family and friends.
:: plotting out our fireplace reno. And excited about how much it's going to change our bonus/living room.
:: planning on seeing my lovely friend miss fiona this afternoon for a little lunch date. Then planning on devouring an iced coffee right after that. 
:: finishing winter indoor cleaning. Time to prep for the warmer months ahead. And fresh air. Oh, how I can't wait to sit outside and read!
:: stopping myself from sweating the small things. I do that way too often.
:: wondering if I should clean the basement this weekend. It's a disaster.
:: learning how to sort of speak Polish. Slowly. I'd like to know what is being said to me at Easter on the husband's side of things. 
:: listening to some Ryan Adams. Oh man. Oh man. This guy makes me weak at the knees.
:: following so many new blogs lately. The inspiration is pouring out of me right now. Just gotta get some of it actually down on this here blog of mine.
:: loving my necklace today. Wish you could see it. Big, Chunky. Kinda Perfect.
:: missing my husband. He is working 10 hours these days and I'm just not used to it. Money's great, but having P around is better. 
:: hoping that the new book I just started is a nail-bitter.
:: wanting to get out my summer dresses and wear them. Without winter coats overtop.
:: thinking it would be nice if I didn't have to go to the gym tonight.
:: reminding myself that some gym time today will allow me to have a comfortable trip to Europe. Prep for all that walking we'll be doing.
:: making chicken and couscous for dinner tonight......Yay to being healthy and interesting.
:: wishing you a lovely, quiet day filled with some time for yourself to reflect and breath.